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Dental Clinic "Dr Jovan Cabunac"
Pourquoi nous?
Clinique dentaire Le docteur Jovan Cabunac a été fondée à Belgrade en 1999. Depuis sa création jusqu’à aujourd’hui, cette clinique dentaire s’est développée dans deux directions – vers la dentisterie esthétique et la médecine anti-âge.
Nous sommes fiers du fait que nous sommes les pionniers dans le développement du concept de spa dentaire, qui a été mené depuis l’ouverture de la clinique. Même maintenant, nous sommes ouverts à toutes les avancées en dentisterie; de plus, nous participons aux congrès et formations les plus prestigieux dans les domaines qui contribuent à l’amélioration des soins aux patients.
Qu’est-ce qui distingue la clinique dentaire Docteur Jovan Cabunac des autres? C’est la formation continue de tous les membres de notre équipe, ainsi que les méthodes de pointe pour le traitement et l’embellissement des patients.
Notre tâche et objectif, en tant que clinique de dentisterie esthétique, est, en plus de préserver l’intégrité des dents existantes, de rendre les restaurations dentaires aussi confortables que possible. De plus, nous insistons pour que toutes les interventions et tous les services soient absolument indolores et agréables au maximum pour tous les patients.
La fonctionnalité et l’esthétique doivent être améliorées au maximum, afin d’offrir aux patients une sécurité dans la communication et les situations intimes. La clinique dentaire Docteur Jovan Cabunac s’efforce d’offrir aux patients l’estime de soi et la constance, condition préalable à la réussite dans la vie de tous les jours et dans la carrière professionnelle.
La communication par e-mail via le bouton CONTACT CLINIQUE est le moyen le plus simple de contacter notre équipe. Dans l'e-mail, vous êtes censé décrire votre problème, vos souhaits, vos projets et poser toutes les questions qu'il pourrait y avoir. L'e-mail doit également contenir une radiographie dentaire numérique des deux mâchoires (mais pas obligatoire) afin que nous puissions avoir une meilleure idée de votre structure osseuse et de vos dents. Après une analyse détaillée, notre équipe déterminera le processus de traitement et vous présentera toutes les options (s'il y en a plus d'une). Vous serez familiarisé avec l'ensemble de la procédure, comme les interventions qui seront nécessaires, la durée, le nombre de fois que vous devrez venir et bien sûr le prix précis de votre traitement.
Lorsque nous arrivons à un accord, la date de votre arrivée dépend entièrement de vous. Nous essaierons de rendre votre séjour agréable et les interventions dentaires totalement indolores! Pour les citoyens étrangers qui ont une assurance maladie qui couvre les procédures dentaires, nous donnons des reçus de nos services qui permettent à nos patients d'obtenir un remboursement. De plus, nous émettons des rapports médicaux qui justifient votre absence du travail.
Contactez-nous et obtenez un plan de traitement personnalisé gratuit et une offre précise.
Implants | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Consultation et Devis | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Implants (Neodent) | Contact Clinic | 2 - 3 |
Implants (Straumann) | Contact Clinic | 2 - 3 |
All on 4 Implants | Contact Clinic | 2 - 3 |
All on 4 Implants | Contact Clinic | 2 - 3 |
All on 4 ZIRKON | Contact Clinic | 2 - 3 |
Sinus Lift | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Augmentation Osseuse | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Couronnes/Facettes | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Couronnes en Zircone | Contact Clinic | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Céramiques | Contact Clinic | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Métalliques | Contact Clinic | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Temporaires | Contact Clinic | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Céramiques sur Implants | Contact Clinic | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Métalliques sur Implants | Contact Clinic | 5 - 7 |
Facettes Dentaires (Céramique, Porcelaine) | Contact Clinic | 4 - 7 |
Facettes sans Préparation | Contact Clinic | 4 - 7 |
Facettes Composites | Contact Clinic | 1 - 2 |
Dentiers | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Accolades Cosmétiques Fixes | Contact Clinic | 4 - 5 |
Défrisage Déjouer | Contact Clinic | 4 - 5 |
Autres Traitements | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Accueil Blanchiment | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Blanchiment de Bureau | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Remplissages Composites | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Incrustation/Onlay | Contact Clinic | 4 - 7 |
Extraction de Base | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Extraction Chirurgicale | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Traitement Endodontique | Contact Clinic | 1 |
Contact Clinique (GRATUIT)
Écrire une critique
Docteur spécialisé JOVAN CABUNAC (spécialiste en prothèse et implantologie)
Le docteur Jovan Cabunac, diplômé de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de Belgrade en 1997. Il a créé la clinique dentaire privée «Docteur Jovan Cabunac» en 1999, qui s’occupe avec succès des patients depuis.
Il a terminé sa spécialisation en prosthodontie à la Faculté de médecine dentaire de Belgrade en 2005.
Après quoi, il a terminé sa spécialisation académique dans le domaine de l’implantologie en 2009. Pendant de nombreuses années, le docteur spécialisé Jovan Cabunac a formé d’autres dentistes dans le domaine de la dentisterie esthétique par le biais de cours « pratiques » et de conférences professionnelles en Serbie et à l’étranger. Il est un leader d’opinion clé pour de nombreuses entreprises dentaires prestigieuses.
Docteur spécialisé ZELJKA CABUNAC (spécialiste en orthodontie et anti-âge)
Le Docteur Zeljka Cabunac, spécialiste en orthodontie et médecine anti-âge, diplômée de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de Belgrade en 1997, a complété sa spécialisation en orthodontie en 2006 et en médecine anti-âge à Paris en 2009.
Depuis 2001, après la certification des produits de comblement à l’acide hyaluronique, elle utilise ce procédé esthétique dans la pratique quotidienne. Elle est titulaire d’un Master en application des produits de comblement cutané à l’acide hyaluronique et du titre de formatrice internationale Restylane depuis 2009.
Au congrès mondial anti-âge à Monte Carlo en 2011, elle présente sa nouvelle technique d’injection du 5VP (cinq points vitaux), et la même année à Paris avec le docteur Salti, elle dirige l’académie où les médecins qui appliquent depuis longtemps Restylane les charges hyaluroniques amélioraient leurs compétences.
Elle a donné de nombreuses conférences et formations lors de congrès internationaux. En 2022, elle est promue formatrice internationale pour le lifting par fil Aptos. Dans sa clinique, le Docteur Željka Cabunac utilise toutes les méthodes de la médecine esthétique : application de produits de comblement d’acide hyaluronique et de toxine botulique, Endolift laser lifting, peelings chimiques, thread lift, PRP.
Le docteur Vladimir Velimirovic fait partie de notre équipe. Il est diplômé de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’Université de Belgrade en 2017. Il a effectué son stage obligatoire au Centre de santé « Zvezdar ». Après quoi, il a rejoint notre équipe et depuis lors, il a suivi une formation continue à travers des cours, des séminaires et des conférences.
Docteur spécialisé TATJANA SAVIC-STANKOVIC (spécialiste en endodontie et dentisterie restauratrice)
Le docteur Tatjana Savic-Stankovic est diplômée de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’Université de Belgrade en 2000, où elle a réussi son examen de spécialiste dans le domaine des maladies dentaires et de l’endodontie en 2005. En 2008, elle a soutenu sa thèse de maîtrise et a obtenu le titre de Master of Science en Dentisterie. Elle a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en 2014. Depuis 2001, elle travaille à la Clinique des maladies bucco-dentaires de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’Université de Belgrade. Elle a été élue au titre scientifique supérieur de professeur adjoint en 2019.
Elle participe activement aux travaux de recherche pédagogique et scientifique, donne des conférences et donne des cours pratiques aux étudiants des études de base, de troisième cycle et spécialisées. Elle est conférencière et formatrice lors d’ateliers et de cours « pratiques » dans le domaine de la dentisterie restauratrice, du blanchiment des dents et des systèmes endodontiques rotatifs mécaniques. Jusqu’à présent, en tant que chargée de cours, elle a participé à quarante programmes de formation continue, au sein desquels elle a donné plus de dix conférences invitées. Le docteur Savic-Stankovic a été le mentor de nombreuses thèses d’étudiants et de diplômés. Elle est relecteur pour quatre revues internationales.
The dentists are incredibly patient and very understanding and do not leave your side until you are 100% satisfied.
I can personally say you will leave with the best smile and your confidence will just hit sky high.
I can recommend this clinic to anyone!
I can not describe how happy I am with my teeth & how thankful I am!
Top service, so nice people & breathtaking results!
Great service!
Stunning equipment and cleanliness.
I cannot thank you all enough, wonderful you all are.
I am amazed at the work they did on my teeth, considering how bad they were when I arrived.
Amazing service from very friendly staff.
They explain everything clearly and give you the best advice.
thank you for taking good care of me, anyone wanting dental work there is no one that I know of after researching on par with these guys.
The service you receive is amazing, professional, and caring all the way.
its the most professional place lovely staff highly recommended your in the best hands with them thanks very much for all
Best place ever! These guys completely changed my life within a week!
Really nice service, I flew alone from Switzerland to proceed with veneers and it's the decision I made so far. Everything went so well
Perfect service, perfect stuff, perfect work !!!! Thank you for everything.
This is a very professional Dentist.
Even if you have money in the millions don't go to America because these guys are actually the best, I cannot recommend them enough
They have completely changed my life, The smile I have is the nicest most natural-looking smile of any I have ever seen without exception
Everything was perfect, they took such good care of me. I recommend!
Great Service!
Best in the business!
Every room is to a very high standard and something the UK should aspire to.
Would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to get a new set of teeth!
Great Service!
Excellent, very professional. Highly recommended
Highly recommended!
I was treated as an individual and the care from start to finish was excellent.
Everything was just great! Many thanks to the whole team!! They did a great job!
Very pleased with my experience and the end result!
They absolutely deserve 5 stars !!! Thank you!!!
The whole experience from start to finish was first class, the hygiene and standard of work is so high and all the staff are just so nice and welcoming
Amazing service, so overwhelmed with my new teeth, as the UK couldnt meet my needs, thanks again for changing my life
I am more than happy to answer any questions and show pictures, the one I have uploaded is my teeth at the moment
As a result, I have the most amazing smile and oral health
I hate going to the Dentist at home but I have to say that it was a totally different experience here,
Fantastic treatment, it was a pleasure for me
Simple and Effortless
It's an unreal experience
Absolutely amazing!!!
Great service! Extremely professional and friendly.
These people gave me a beautiful smile and I am so grateful to everyone
The dentists and receptionists are so welcoming, and they have done everything they can to get the results I want. I am very happy with my new smile!
They could not be more helpful and nice. They keep you well informed about everything from documents to treatments.
Highly Recommended!
Absolutely gorgeous!!!
I would definitely recommend it!
Great service, friendly and professional atmosphere. This is a place I have always loved to come to.
A team that approaches all details with extra attention and care. Thank you.
Very welcoming, friendly, and professional team.
Great service! Extremely professional and friendly.
The dentists and receptionists are so welcoming, and they have done everything they can to get the results I want. I am very happy with my new smile!
They could not be more helpful and nice. They keep you well informed about everything from documents to treatments.
Highly Recomended!
The most pleasant experience at a dentist's practice so far
During my treatment, they care about my new teeth's strong and fancy.
The dentists and receptionists are so welcoming, and they have done everything they can to get the results I want. I am very happy with my new smile!
They could not be more helpful and nice. They keep you well informed about everything from documents to treatments.
Abosuletely sugggested
Always coming very relaxed and leaving really happy
They are careful about all details.
The most pleasant experience at a dentist's practice so far
A dentist represents the best treatment possible.
Smiling staff, very welcoming people
I suggest here. Hygienic, up to date technologies and a careful staff
The staff and technology are great. For the ones who are seeking a new dental clinic
Most relaxed clinic for me. No waiting, no paining.
Amazing experience. Thank you all.
From the beginning of my treatment, I want to thank you all for all your interest.
4 implant just in 1 hour 6 minutes. And no pain. Its unbelievable
Friendly and calm approach. You always feel comfortable.
Great service! Extremely professional and friendly.
All staff was the excellent very good dentist I am very impressed with the service. No suggestions everything was perfect. I like everything Thank you
Very happy with everything from start to finish. The staff is very friendly and welcoming. The clinic is very modern and clean. If I need any dental work in the future I would come back. Thank you.
So happy! Veneers and crown on top. Laser whitening has made an amazing difference to my smile. Beautiful dentists and assistants. Will recommend it to everybody.
The price was significantly higher than I had hoped for.
The dentist was really competent and comfortable. Best regards, Mikko/Finland
Quality service. Quality treatment. Wish I had not waited so long to have my teeth fixed here.
Thank you very much! My smile is wider and wider every time I visit the clinic.
Very nice
This clinic makes me smile!
Great job! Thank you! Very professional and efficient.
Fantastic service! Cleaning was thorough and relatively fast. And for a wonderful value. Very clean facilities and friendly, accomodating staff.
Thank you to the wonderful staff at the clinic. I am very happy with the service and care, regards.
Excellent service and staff. Very happy with my new teeth. Highly recommend to anyone planning on getting any dental work done.
I got my teeth clean and it was really good. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much you gave me a beautiful new smile. The staff was amazingly warm and professional. I was very taken care of. Will definitely recommend it to others.
Good service
Excellent service from start to finish. Very professional and great skill. Very impressed with my veneers and definitely will recommend them!
Excellent service! Thank you.
The staff is friendly, professional, and easy to work with. Very accomodating. Thank you for my new smile!
Please extend my thanks to all the doctors for their caring and professional service. Most appreciated.
All doctors are wonderful, and professional with valuable advice. The staff is sincere and helpful. Thanks so much to everyone! Will come back.
I always used to smile with my mouth closed. Now after having my teeth fixed, I can really smile. Thank you for the great service, Sally.
I haven't been taking care of my teeth but luckily I got great treatment and the staff was very professional. Best dentist experience I ever had.
I highly recommend it!
Friendly and competent staff. Great doctor with good knowledge and an eye for problems, much better than my doc in Germany.
Thanks for being so kind, polite and professional. Great job! Very happy with the result on my teeth. Kind regards, Alex.
Excellent! Great reception! Clean! Friendly! Not long wait! Great service! Thank you! Sawyer.
I am impressed by the professionalism and friendliness of the staff. Every step was explained clearly by a dentist.
Fantastic experience. I would highly recommend it! Thank you. Paul.
I am pleased and satisfied with the whitening procedure! Thank you!
Satisfied with the result. Had a pleasant experience.
Pleasant experience, good results!
All excellent. Great service, great result!!
The procedure is performed professionally and each step is explained clearly. Instant results!
First teeth whitening and the dentist explained in detail the procedure step by step. The service staff is very attentive. Will definitely recommend my friends to come!
I am very happy and extremely satisfied. Thank you very much.
Good experience, nice staff. Overall a happy customer.
It's my first time going to the dentist's abroad. I'm very satisfied with the clinic and the service they provide.
Doctors and staff are friendly and professional. I'm very happy with the service. Thank you all.
Great service. Thank you!
I underwent a dental implant and also a bridge on one side. The doctors here are very professional and good at the job. I'm very satisfied and happy about the treatment.
Lovely service <3
Fantastic service. Everything including costs is explained fully. All questions answered. Thanks. You guys were great to deal with.
Can't thank you enough for giving me such a beautiful and bright smile! I feel so grateful for my new smile! Recommend to my friends. Kind regards.
Best Dental Clinic of my life.
I've been coming to this place since I got back from the states. Best dental clinic!
Good service
Very accomodating of my son inside the clinic while I was getting my treatment done. Thank you.
Thank you very much, I will see you next time.
Thank you for your wonderful service and dental treatment. I will recommend it to my friends and family!
The service is pretty good! The location is a bit hard to find. Result acceptable for whitening.
Very seamless experience. Very surprised at how painless the whole thing was.
Great service as always 🙂
My smile looks amazing! Will be smiling all the way back to Australia.
Great service and staff. All were friendly and the doctor was professional and did a great job on my teeth, Francesco.
This clinic is great!
I never liked to go to the dentist until I found this place! World-class treatment! I recommend it to everyone!
Very good treatment! Feel like the same or better compared with that in Japan or US. Thank you.
Thank you for your treatment. I am released from tooth pain. Please treat my teeth continuously.
Good clinic.
Excellent round teamwork. The land of smiles. Now I can see and feel that! Thank you all.
This has been an amazing experience for me. The professionalism of all staff has been extraordinary.
Excellent round teamwork. The land of smiles. Now I can see and feel that! Thank you all.
Great service, professional and attentive. Better care than the U.S.
All staff here are incredibly friendly. I used to be afraid of dentists now not. All on fours complete and thorough to each fine detail no complaints. Life changing. Highly recommended. Allison from Australia.
Wow! What can I say from the moment I walked in I feel at ease. Great staff, great service and highly recommended clinic.
Thank you! Every step of the way has been professional. The quality workmanship has been well worth the trip from America.
Great service and care were provided by the whole team. Dentists and surgeons provided first-class care.
I honestly love this place. The treatment I've had is amazing, really happy with the results. I've got my smile back, I'm very happy, Tony.
I have had a few teeth whitening operations in the last five years, but this time the experience is really good, better than I expected and I didn't have any sensitivity, thank you, doctor. I will come back.
Definitely saved me a lot of money and was satisfied with the warm and professional caring services. Thank you very much!
Everything went very smoothly. The service was very good and the dentist was excellent. Thank you very much!
Very good!
Very great service!
Very good dentist and dental assistant. And reception staff was very friendly and helpful
Very happy
I really liked my dentist very patient and detail-oriented. Highly recommended here!
Very happy with the result. Look good & fixed other problems with my teeth
Friendly and helpful staff who try to accommodate our request!Professional service by the dentist too! Highly recommended.
The services are reasonably priced and the staff attending to you are polite and patient to explain any question you have.
The doctor was very patient despite Im not being used to cleaning teeth.
Very satisfied with the service
The cleaning service is good and the dentist was very helpful to explore my teeth situation over all it is.
I was initially concerned about the recommendations but these were answered with patience & professional approach. I now have a smile, I am extremely happy with the results. I can and have recommended the clinic to others.
I wish I didnt have to travel 5,000 miles to find an affordable quality dentist. Thank you!
Thanks a lot.
Great service would highly recommend. Lovely helpful staff. Appreciated the check-up calls in between appointments to check if everything was OK. Overall very satisfied and thank you
Great service, pleasant dentist, competitive price.
Very Happy
Good service. Thank you.
Professional and detailed. Pleasant treatment.
Excellent service! Have been coming for many years and will continue to come here. Staff friendly & caring.
Service & treatment are always exceptional. We will continue to return.
Fantastic service! Super friendly staff and very happy with the result.
Had a great time here.
Im pleased with the service and glad that Ive chosen this clinic to have the treatment. Will come here in a few months to have the crown replaced. Overall the treatment & service are excellent.
Great experience! Nice facilities and up-to-date equipment. The Check-in process was quick and cleaned to no longer than 40 minutes. Will definitely be back. Thank you!
Keep up the good job!
Friendly dentist & staff, efficient service and facilities, value for money. Thank you.
Thank you!
Great experience. I highly recommend it.
Always provide excellent and courteous service. Highly skilled with enduring results for treatment crowns. Have been recommending this clinic to friends, family, and associates.
The overall service was good, thank you.
Thank you very much for the treatment and great service. Will certainly recommend it to other friends.
The doctor and the service are very good and friendly.
Staff always friendly and welcoming. Good responsive communication.
I loved the service here and I traveled from London!
Thank you, the great service.
All the staff were excellent. They were a pleasure to deal with. Should I need more treatment I would not hesitate to come back.
Excellent service. Super satisfied!!!
I did teeth whitening. It was really good, thank you.
Very good service, thank you very much.
Overall satisfied with the result.
Very good! I liked the result, thank you.
The service here is really great, I would recommend it.
Thank you for the good service, from Singapore.
Good service at affordable prices.
Very professional treatment and courteous staff. No problem at all.
Very pleased with the results. Ready to show that big, white smile 🙂
Excellent service! The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable!
Great experience! Effective, efficient. I came with my husband and we have no complaints!
Good service and result, thank you.
Very friendly staff. Quicky and efficient treatment. Would come back again.
Was good and professional. Thank you.
Great service. Doctors and teamwork professional!
Easier than I expected. The procedure was explained well in good English. I will come back in the future!
I'm very happy with the teeth whitening. My teeth have never been so white! The dentist was very helpful. Thank you!
Very professional, gentle, and thorough. No needles are required for five fillings! Highly recommend!
I've come here for 3 years now. Each dentist I have always provided thorough and gentle care!
This was an unusual birthday present from my son. The staff were very pleasant and treated me well.
Very pleased with the service.
From start to finish I felt well looked after. Thank you so much!
The communication is excellent. The staff is very friendly. The dentist explained everything well. Thank you!
I liked the service here. Good job, thank you.
I am happy with the result. I had my teeth whitened here.
My teeth are slightly whiter than before.
I had my teeth cleaned here. Thank you.
Very happy with the result. Thank you so much! 🙂
Thank you so much for my teeth whitening! I'm very happy with the results 🙂 Would recommend to my friends and family!
Fantastic service. Very natural whitening results. Very happy.
Good service, friendly staff, and attention to detail! Thank you.
I am very satisfied with root canal treatment and crowns. Would definitely recommend your clinic to my friends.
Very efficient and effective treatment. Punctual and polite. Will recommend.
I'm happy with the whitening result! Cheers!
Thank you for your service! We are very happy 🙂 Greetings from Ireland.
Great service, thank you.
Good service overall.
Very good service recommended.
This place is excellent! 5-star service for dental treatment
Fantastic work! Very friendly staff! Highly recommend.
A decent dental with a fair price, good value.
Loved this place! The staff was all lovely and professional.
Thank you for making my teeth beautiful again. Recommending this place to others.
Professional, helpful service. Great results!!
The dentist & staff were friendly, efficient, and professional. Did a great job for me, highly recommend it!
Nice, good dental clinic, good treatment, good price.
Everyone was helpful and friendly. The dentist communicated clearly what procedure he'd be doing. I would recommend it to others!
It was a pleasant experience! The dentist & staff was professional and helpful. Thank you!
Friendly staff, well taken care of. Thank you very much.
Thanks for your professional manner and treatment.
Thank you for your service, much appreciated.
Highly recommended! Everything is wonderful, giving a full score for this service and result!
Definitely, a good dental place to come do your dental work. All is good, the result is excellent. Will recommend.
Been here for many years now, and I will always come here because the service is great. All at a great value, highly recommended.
Very good, the facility is nice and clean 🙂
The staff is great, good atmosphere, keep it up!
Very impressed with the facilities and staff. Everything was perfect again and I felt very comfortable all throughout my treatment. Highly recommend!
The clinic and staff have been 5 stars from start to finish. They've created a smile I have never dreamed of. Excellent service, staff, and facilities, would recommend this clinic to anyone.
Fabulous service & treatment. Will recommend this clinic to my family and friends.
The attention to detail was outstanding. I would recommend this clinic to anybody about to have dental work. My well-being was their top priority.
I didn't know what to expect but my experience is beyond anything. This was the best service I've got in about 55 years. Thank you!
I used to be scared to smile, but now I can't stop! Every doctor was so calming and kind. They made my experience great. I can't thank all staff enough!
At no time did I feel any apprehension concerning dental work and I'm completely satisfied with the final result. Thank you.
I'm very happy with the result. The dentist says my tooth is 99% perfect and I say it's 99.5%!
The surgery for the implant was professional and painless. The English-speaking surgeon explained every procedure in a thoughtful, reassuring manner.
I'm very happy with the treatment although I've found some language differences.
Quick, painless, and gentle! Recommended, will come again for sure.
A great experience. The service was of high quality and very affordable. Definitely be back!
I was given lots of good advice about how to care for my teeth. The treatment was very affordable and efficient.
Excellent manner, good communication. Kind & professional service from everybody. Will come back again!
Friendly staff and professional dentists. Good value.
Good communication. Very happy with the results.
The explanation was very detailed with friendly staff.
The staff was extremely courteous and professional. Very patient and provided good information.
The staff are friendly and professional. Good service, happy with the results.
The staff and Dentists are all friendly and professional. The clinic itself is clean.
Wonderful experience ever! Affordable price too. Will definitely introduce it to my family and friends. Keep up the good work!
The receptionists are very friendly & professional.
Receptionists are very helpful, and polite. Overall, I would recommend it to others who need it.
Excellent service.
This place is great! A+ service, happy with the results and will come back again.
The staff is very friendly and helpful! 🙂
I would highly recommend this dental clinic to all my friends and family. The staff is so friendly & extremely attentive. Amazing service & facilities. Rate 5 stars! Thank you!
Very professional and friendly. Good quality dentist at a fair price. The staff is very welcoming. Will come back for future needs.
Thanks for your service. I had crowns done. Good job.
Very friendly and professional! Thank you!
Came with my friend here. Great service, thank you very much.
Good job, I like it here. Will come again.
Satisfied with overall treatment and service. Very professional and friendly staff and dentists.
Altogether very good, thank you. 🙂
Excellent service! Great job. Thank you, everyone.
All good. Thank you very much, team.
The dentist and staff are very caring and polite. Very happy with my treatment.
The service is excellent. I would recommend this place.
Good dental treatment. I'm satisfied with the result.
Good service, helpful and will visit again!
I'm very good, thank you! My crowns will last a long time now!
Excellent service from start to finish at a very good price. Highly recommended.
Very friendly and professional staff. Will definitely recommend it to family and friends. Thank you again for your excellent service.
What a wonderful experience. From the kind and courteous front office staff right through to the doctors who perform tirelessly on creating my perfect smile, I thank you all.
Found out about this clinic from my son after he has work done here. I've left very satisfied every time, great work and staff, highly recommend to anyone and have traveled from Australia.
Everything is excellent, a friend recommended me to this clinic and I'll definitely recommend this clinic to my friends as well.
Very satisfied with the result, thank you very much.
Great service, love the dentist! Very professional, and I'm satisfied with the result. Great value for money!
Great job everyone, I liked the service here and will recommend it.
Excellent quality dental treatment. 10/10!
Service is excellent here, thank you very much, team.
Thanks to the nurses and gentle dentist. It was a comfortable and pleasant treatment. The doctor was careful and checked thoroughly. Thank you.
Excellent treatment service! And good value for money!
Good advice was provided by the dentist with different options to suit my circumstance. Happy with the service provided.
Great service, great staff and great service! Would love to come again.
Good service, happy with the result thanks.
Came with a friend, we're very happy with the service here!
Thank you! Very friendly and professional team from reception to the dentist :).
The dentist is excellent and the cost is worth the services I received. Thanks a lot.
Excellent service, amazing job. I feel like a new person with my new smile. Thanks so much!
Very professional service. The dentist was pleasant, skilled and spoke great English. Thanks!
I really enjoyed my experience and quality of service. It's very clean and professional!
Good dental treatment quality. Will recommend it, thank you.
The service and communication I've received have been excellent from start to finish.
Fantastic dental work! got 3 of my teeth fixed. Highly recommended
The best service
Thank you! Every step of the way has been professional. The quality workmanship has been well worth the trip from America.
Great service and care were provided by the whole team. Dentists and surgeons provided first-class care.
I honestly love this place. The treatment I've had is amazing, really happy with the results. I've got my smile back, I'm very happy.
I have had a few teeth whitening operations in the last five years, but this time the experience is really good, better than I expected and I didn't have any sensitivity, thank you, doctor. I will come back.
Definitely saved me a lot of money and was satisfied with the warm and professional caring services. Thank you very much!
Everything went very smoothly. The service was very good and the dentist was excellent. Thank you very much!
Very good!
Very good dentist and dental assistant. And reception staff was very friendly and helpful
Very happy
I really liked my dentist very patient and detail-oriented. Highly recommended here!
Very happy with the result. Look good & fixed other problems with my teeth
Friendly and helpful staff who try to accommodate our request! Professional service by the dentist too! Highly recommended.
The services are reasonably priced and the staff attending to you are polite and patient to explain any question you have.
Very satisfied with the service
I wish I didnt have to travel 5,000 miles to find an affordable quality dentist. Thank you!
Great service would highly recommend. Lovely helpful staff. Appreciated the check-up calls in between appointments to check if everything was OK. Overall very satisfied and thank you
Great service, pleasant dentist, competitive price.
Very Happy
Good service. Thank you.
Professional and detailed. Pleasant treatment.
Excellent service! Have been coming for many years and will continue to come here. Staff friendly & caring.
Service & treatment are always exceptional. We will continue to return.
Fantastic service! Super friendly staff and very happy with the result.
Had a great time here.
Keep up the good job!
Friendly dentist & staff, efficient service, and facilities, value for money. Thank you.
Thank you!
Always provide excellent and courteous service. Highly skilled with enduring results for treatment crowns. Have been recommending this clinic to friends, family, and associates.
The overall service was good, thank you.
I'm from Amsterdam. I like the service here, it's good thank you.
Thank you very much for the treatment and great service. Will certainly recommend to other friends.
Doctor and the service is very good and friendly.
Staff always friendly and welcoming. Good responsive communication.
Thank you, the great service.
All the staff was excellent. They were a pleasure to deal with. Should I need more treatment I would not hesitate to come back.
Excellent service. Super satisfied!!!
I did teeth whitening. It was really good, thank you.
Very good service, thank you very much.
I have never been a fan of dentists. This experience has changed that! I would not hesitate to come back. Very happy with everything.
Overall satisfied with the result.
Good service Bangkok Smile!
Very good! I liked the result, thank you.
The service here is really great, I would recommend it.
Good service at affordable prices.
Very professional treatment and courteous staff. No problem at all.
Very pleased with the results. Ready to show that big, white smile 🙂
Excellent service! The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable!
Great experience! Effective, efficient. I came with my husband and we have no complaints!
Good service and result, thank you.
Very friendly staff. Quicky and efficient treatment. Would come back again.
Was good and professional. Thank you.
Great service. Doctors and team work professional!
Easier than I expected. The procedure was explained well in good English. I will come back in the future!
I'm very happy with the teeth whitening. My teeth have never been so white! The dentist was very helpful. Thank you!
Very professional, gentle, and thorough. No needles are required for five fillings! Highly recommend!
Thank you for the care and attention over the last year. I wouldn't have thought I would get the results I have. And on top of that, the service has always been with a smile. Thanks for everything.
I've come here for 3 years now. Each dentist I have always provided thorough and gentle care!
This was an unusual birthday present from my son. The staff were very pleasant and treated me well.
Very pleased with the service.
From start to finish I felt well looked after. Thank you so much!
The communication is excellent. The staff is very friendly. The dentist explained everything well. Thank you!
I liked the service here. Good job, thank you.
I am happy with the result. I had my teeth whitened here.
My teeth are slightly whiter than before.
I had my teeth cleaned here. Thank you.
Very happy with the result. Thank you so much! 🙂
Thank you so much for my teeth whitening! I'm very happy with the results 🙂 Would recommend it to my friends and family!
Fantastic service. Very natural whitening results. Very happy.
Good service, friendly staff, and attention to detail! Thank you.
I am very satisfied with root canal treatment and crowns. Would definitely recommend your clinic to my friends.
Very efficient and effective treatment. Punctual and polite. Will recommend.
I'm happy with the whitening result! Cheers!
Thank you for your service! We are very happy 🙂 Greetings from Ireland.
Great service, thank you.
Good service overall.
Very good service recommended.
This place is excellent! 5-star service for dental treatment
Fantastic work! Very friendly staff! Highly recommend.
A decent dental with fair price, good value.
Loved this place! The staff was all lovely and professional.
Thank you for making my teeth beautiful again. Recommending this place to others.
This place is very professional, good facility, friendly staff, and all results are good!
Professional, helpful service. Great results!!
Nice, good dental clinic, good treatment, good price.
Everyone was helpful and friendly. The dentist communicated clearly what procedure he'd be doing. I would recommend it to others!
It was a pleasant experience! The dentist & staff was professional and helpful. Thank you!
Friendly staff, well taken care of. Thank you very much.
Thanks for your professional manner and treatment.
Thank you for your service, much appreciated.
Highly recommended! Everything is wonderful, giving a full score for this service and result!
Definitely, a good dental place to come do your dental work. All is good, the result is excellent. Will recommend.
Been here for many years now, and I will always come here because the service is great. All at a great value, highly recommended.
Very good, the facility is nice and clean 🙂
Fabulous service & treatment. Will recommend this clinic to my family and friends.
Very impressed with the facilities and staff. Everything was perfect again and I felt very comfortable all throughout my treatment. Highly recommend!
Fabulous service & treatment. Will recommend this clinic to my family and friends.
The attention to detail was outstanding. I would recommend this clinic to anybody about to have dental work. My well-being was their top priority.
I didn't know what to expect but my experience is beyond anything. This was the best service I've got in about 55 years. Thank you!
I used to be scared to smile, but now I can't stop! Every doctor was so calming and kind. They made my experience great. I can't thank all staff enough!
At no time did I feel any apprehension concerning dental work and I'm completely satisfied with the final result. Thank you.
Highly recommended! Everything is wonderful, giving a full score for this service and result!
Definitely, a good dental place to come do your dental work. All is good, the result is excellent. Will recommend.
Been here for many years now, and I will always come here because the service is great. All at a great value, highly recommended.
Very good, the facility is nice and clean 🙂
The staff is great, good atmosphere, keep it up!
The clinic and staff have been 5 stars from start to finish. They've created a smile I have never dreamed of. Excellent service, staff, and facilities, would recommend this clinic to anyone.
Fabulous service & treatment. Will recommend this clinic to my family and friends.
The treatment was first class. Clean, friendly and attentive staff. A good recommendation.
The attention to detail was outstanding. I would recommend this clinic to anybody about to have dental work. My well-being was their top priority.
I didn't know what to expect but my experience is beyond anything. This was the best service I've got in about 55 years. Thank you!
I used to be scared to smile, but now I can't stop! Every doctor was so calming and kind. They made my experience great. I can't thank all staff enough!
In the six days of service I received at the clinic I was treated with exceptional kindness. You really are truly beautiful people and I take friends to see you again <3 🙂
I'm very happy with the result. The dentist says my tooth is 99% perfect and I say it's 99.5%!
I've had 10 implants and 3 crowns and have been extremely happy with all treatments. I'm very happy with the outcome!
Quick, painless, and gentle! Recommended, will come again for sure.
Everything was very good. The dentist was really kind and supportive.
A great experience. The service was of high quality and very affordable. Definitely be back!
I was given lots of good advice about how to care for my teeth. The treatment was very affordable and efficient.
Excellent manner, good communication. Kind & professional service from everybody. Will come back again!
Friendly staff and professional dentists. Good value.
Good communication. Very happy with the results.
The staff was extremely courteous and professional. Very patient and provided good information.
The staff is friendly and professional. Good service, happy with the results.
The staff and Dentists are all friendly and professional. The clinic itself is clean.
Excellent service.
This place is great! A+ service, happy with the results and will come back again.
The staff is very friendly and helpful! 🙂
Very professional and friendly. Good quality dentist at a fair price. The staff is very welcoming. Will come back for future needs.
Thanks for your service. I had crowns done. Good job.
Very friendly and professional! Thank you!
Came with my friend here. Great service, thank you very much.
Good job, I like it here. Will come again.
Satisfied with overall treatment and service. Very professional and friendly staff and dentists.
Altogether very good, thank you. 🙂
Excellent service! Great job. Thank you, everyone.
All good. Thank you very much, team.
The dentist and staff are very caring and polite. Very happy with my treatment.
The service is excellent. I would recommend this place.
Good dental treatment. I'm satisfied with the result.
Good service, helpful and will visit again!
I'm very good, thank you! My crowns will last a long time now!
Excellent service from start to finish at a very good price. Highly recommended.
Very friendly and professional staff. Will definitely recommend it to family and friends. Thank you again for your excellent service.
What a wonderful experience. From the kind and courteous front office staff right through to the doctors who perform tirelessly on creating my perfect smile, I thank you all.
Found out about this clinic from my son after he has work done here. I've left very satisfied every time, great work and staff, highly recommend to anyone and have traveled from Australia.
Really great experience, quick, and easy, and it feels like everyone cares to make sure everything is going smoothly. Very happy with the result, Thank you!
Everything is excellent, a friend recommended me to this clinic and I'll definitely recommend this clinic to my friends as well.
Very satisfied with the result, thank you very much.
Great service, love the dentist! Very professional, and I'm satisfied with the result. Great value for money!
Great job everyone, I liked the service here and will recommend it.
Service is excellent here, thank you very much team.
Thanks to the nurses and gentle dentist. It was a comfortable and pleasant treatment. The doctor was careful and checked thoroughly. Thank you.
Excellent treatment service! And good value for money!
Excellent service! Very friendly staff, with great knowledge. Very efficient service.
Good advice was provided by the dentist with different options to suit my circumstance. Happy with the service provided.
Great service, great staff and great service! Would love to come again.
Good service, happy with the result thanks.
Came with a friend, we're very happy with the service here!
The dentist is excellent and the cost is worth the services I received. Thanks a lot.
Excellent service, amazing job. I feel like a new person with my new smile. Thanks so much!
Great service, satisfied with the result, thank you, team.
I really enjoyed my experience and quality of service. It's very clean and professional!
Good dental treatment quality. Will recommend it, thank you.
Fantastic dental work! got 3 of my teeth fixed. Highly recommended
Everyone was friendly and very helpful
The price and all in one service.
I like the efficient care of staff and the quality and work
The people are so nice, the prices were great and I felt cared for.
Good people…
Communication and treatment from dentist and personnel.
The staff is all great!!
Great communication throughout the entire process from booking to treatment
clean, comfortable, with knowledgeable staff
My dentist was very professional
Clean, comfortable, with knowledgeable staff
the staff and communication, great experience wouldn't change anything
The overall experience was good. The staff was caring and helpful.
Awesome work
Professional, cleanliness, quality of work, awesome dentists who are trained as the best.
Nice, polite, professional
The value of getting zirconia Crowns is amazing!! everyone is kind
My dentist was very professional
Everyone was friendly and very helpful
The price and all in one service.
I like the efficient care of staff and the quality and work
The people are so nice, the prices were great and I felt cared for.
Clean, comfortable, with the knowledgeable staff
The office and dentist set clear expectations with me on price and treatment plan. They took the time to set work done to 100% of my satisfaction
Compassion; good communication professionalism
Dr. Jovan Cabunac was so professional, Gentle + kind as was his asst.
Dr. Jovan Cabunac did a lot of work and kept it painless and hygienic throughout the entire process! Highly recommended
I am very happy with Dr. Jovan Cabunac and his staff. They are very professional, friendly and caring. I will recommend them to anyone that needs dental work.
Everything is excellent, especially Dr. Jovan Cabunac. Keep the quality and the pace!
Thank you Dr. Jovan Cabunac for being an excellent professional and for your patience with all my patients, and for your trust. God bless you!!
I am very happy with Dr. Jovan Cabunac and his staff. They are very professional, friendly and caring. I will recommend them to anyone that needs dental work.
Dr. Jovan Cabunac listened to my concerns and provided dental suggestions that would help. I am most grateful for his help.
The Dentist, Dr. Jovan Cabunac, was fantastic to work with and I will be back for any future dental needs for sure.
Dr. Jovan Cabunac was persistent in making sure I knew my options. Most importantly, he made sure the bridge replacement matched my "real" teeth. He wanted me to be satisfied with the outcome, and I am 100%. Thank you for your patience, professionalism, and skillful work!
Great job. That was a difficult diagnosis. The wisdom tooth was the problem. The crowns are working well. No sensitivity in that area. Thank you again, Dr. Jovan Cabunac.
Dr. Jovan Cabunac is very knowledgeable and careful! The cleaning was done fast with precision. Definitely recommend!