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Dental Clinic "CDEI"
Pourquoi nous?
Centre d’Esthétique Dentaire et d’Implantologie est situé au cœur de Belgrade dans la rue Cvijićeva depuis l’année 2000. Au cours des années de son développement, il est devenu un lieu où on résout les problèmes esthétiques-fonctionnels les plus complexes en dentisterie. Dans un espace spécialement conçu, l’équipe spécialisée du Centre conduit ses patients à travers un traitement dentaire hautement professionnel, éthique, dédié et individualisé. CDEI est un endroit où l’équipe s’améliore constamment grâce à l`éducation continue dans des institutions reconnues mondialement. C`est notre plaisir d` être capable de transférer, à travers des conférences, à nos collègues du monde entier notre travail et la philosophie de notre Centre. Dans CDEI les dentistes du pays et de la région sont formés dans divers domaines de la dentisterie esthétique et de l’implantologie à travers des cours et des ateliers. Nous croyons qu’avec l’expérience acquise et l’équipe professionnelle que nous avons créée, nous sommes prêts à établir et à suivre les normes les plus élevées de la dentisterie dans la région. À cause de cela nous vous invitons à nous rendre visite si vous avez besoin de l’aide d’un dentiste. Nous sommes fiers du nombre de cas compliqués que nous avons résolus avec succès, mais aussi de l’attention et du temps que nous dédions à nos patients les plus jeunes. Notre expérience nous dit qu’avec une communication mutuelle, honnête et surtout amicale, nous pouvons améliorer la santé de vos dents, et donc la qualité de votre vie. Nous serons honorés de prendre soin de votre sourire et celui de vos proches.
Spec. Dr Igor Ristic avec son équipe
La communication par e-mail via le bouton CONTACT CLINIQUE est le moyen le plus simple de contacter notre équipe. Dans l'e-mail, vous êtes censé décrire votre problème, vos souhaits, vos projets et poser toutes les questions qu'il pourrait y avoir. L'e-mail doit également contenir une radiographie dentaire numérique des deux mâchoires (mais pas obligatoire) afin que nous puissions avoir une meilleure idée de votre structure osseuse et de vos dents. Après une analyse détaillée, notre équipe déterminera le processus de traitement et vous présentera toutes les options (s'il y en a plus d'une). Vous serez familiarisé avec l'ensemble de la procédure, comme les interventions qui seront nécessaires, la durée, le nombre de fois que vous devrez venir et bien sûr le prix précis de votre traitement.
Lorsque nous arrivons à un accord, la date de votre arrivée dépend entièrement de vous. Nous essaierons de rendre votre séjour agréable et les interventions dentaires totalement indolores! Pour les citoyens étrangers qui ont une assurance maladie qui couvre les procédures dentaires, nous donnons des reçus de nos services qui permettent à nos patients d'obtenir un remboursement. De plus, nous émettons des rapports médicaux qui justifient votre absence du travail.
Contactez-nous et obtenez un plan de traitement personnalisé gratuit et une offre précise.
Implants | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Consultation et Devis | 0€ | 1 |
Implants (Bredent) | 450€ | 2 - 3 |
Implants (Nobel Biocare) | 750€ | 2 - 3 |
All on 4 Implants | 6000€ | 2 - 3 |
All on 6 Implants | 7500€ | 2 - 3 |
Augmentation Osseuse | 250€ | 1 |
Sinus Lift | 800€ | 1 |
Couronnes/Facettes | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Couronnes en Zircone | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Céramiques | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Métalliques | 150€ | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Temporaires | 30€ | 1 |
Couronnes Céramo-Céramiques sur Implants | 350€ | 5 - 7 |
Couronnes Céramo-Métalliques sur Implants | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Facettes Dentaires (Céramique, Porcelaine) | 250€ | 4 - 7 |
Facettes sans Préparation | 250€ | 4 - 7 |
Facettes Composites | 50€ | 1 - 2 |
Dentiers | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Prothèses acryliques (partielles, complètes) | 250€ | 4 - 5 |
Prothèses Squelettiques Partielles | 450€ | 4 - 5 |
Prothèses (partielles, complètes) avec base en métal | 300€ | 4 - 5 |
Accolades Mobiles | 360€ | 4 - 5 |
Accolades Fixés | 800€ | 4 - 5 |
Accolades Cosmétiques Fixes | 1200€ | 4 - 5 |
Défrisage Déjouer | 150€ | 4 - 5 |
Autres Traitements | Prix | Temps Requis (jours) |
Accueil Blanchiment | 300€ | 1 |
Blanchiment de Bureau | 360€ | 1 |
Remplissages Composites | 40€ | 1 |
Incrustation/Onlay | 220€ | 4 - 7 |
Extraction de Base | 30€ | 1 |
Extraction Chirurgicale | 70€ | 1 |
Traitement Endodontique | 40€ | 1 |
Contact Clinique (GRATUIT)
Écrire une critique
La base du CDEI repose sur la connaissance, l’enthousiasme, l` implémentation de nouvelles tendances et leur création active. De l’obtention du diplôme en 1996 à l’achèvement de la spécialisation en prothétique dentaire, Dr. Igor améliorait constamment ses connaissances dans plusieurs cliniques internationales et plusieurs cours dans le pays et à l’étranger. Sa pratique dentaire privée commence en 1999 dans le bâtiment où il habite dans la rue Cvijićeva, à Belgrade. Il réunit une équipe professionnelle de médecins de différentes spécialisations, assistants et techniciens dentaires, une équipe en constante expansion. Au fil des années, la pratique s’est développée pour devenir le Centre d’Esthétique et d’Implantologie Dentaires, un lieu où, en plus de travailler avec les patients, il y a des autres activités qui se déroulent à travers l’éducation, des cours et des ateliers professionnels. Parallèlement avec le travail de sa clinique depuis 2003, Dr Igor Ristić participe activement comme conférencier invité, dans des conférences et symposiums sur le thème de la dentisterie esthétique et de l’implantologie au niveau international. Grâce à cette activité et la coopération avec les meilleurs dentistes dans le monde entier, il est nominé, en 2009, pour l’adhésion à l’Académie Internationale de l’Esthétique Dentaire-Facial (IADFE). Il est membre actif de l’ESCD depuis 2005 et membre du conseil d’administration chargé de l’éducation (European Society of Estehtic dentistry) depuis l`année 2010. Avec des conférences par invitation, il enseigne activement des cours dans le cadre de l’esthétique dentaire et implantologie. Il a publié des articles dans des revues professionnelles plus connues (Dental Tribune, Cosmetic Dentistry Interantional…). Il est membre des équipes de conseil des plus grandes sociétés dentaires au monde Heraeus, NobelBiocare, Ivoclar, Bredent, Kavo. Il a épousé Marianne, ses enfants sont Aleksa et Nadja. Il passe son temps libre avec sa famille ou ses amis dans la nature, en faisant du ski ou sur l’une des rivières de Belgrade.
Elle a obtenu son diplômée de la Faculté de médecine dentaire et a fini des études spécialisées en orthodontie à la Faculté de médecine dentaire de Belgrade. Il fait partie de l’équipe professionnelle du CDEI depuis 2004. Elle travaille avec succès depuis longtemps avec les plus jeunes patients. Elle a participé à de nombreuses réunions d’experts nationales et internationales et à des cours dans les domaines de l’orthopédie de la mâchoire, de l’endodontie et de la dentisterie infantile. Elle est membre d’ European Orthodontic Society (EOS).
Elle a obtenu son diplôme à la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’Université de Belgrade, après quoi elle a suivi des cours supplémentaires dans le domaine de la prothèse. Elle est devenue membre de l’équipe du CDEI en 2012. Elle se forme professionnellement dans le domaine de la photographie dentaire. Dans le cadre de la pratique clinique, elle participe régulièrement à toutes les phases de la préparation pré-prostatique et des branches de la stomatologie esthétique. Elle passe son temps libre dans les destinations inhabituelles, en nageant ou en conduisant Vespa.
Spécialiste de la chirurgie orale. Chef du service dentaire. Il a été un mentor pour la spécialisation en chirurgie orale, et aussi le président de la Commission pour passer l’examen professionnel au Ministère de la Santé. Il est membre de l’Assemblée de la Société médicale serbe, ainsi que de la présidence de la section des chirurgiens buccaux et des implants en Serbie. Il aime le sport notamment le ski.
Spécialiste en parodontologie et en implantologie, après avoir terminé la Faculté de médecine dentaire à Belgrade il va à Vienne pour le travail pratique, chez Dr Wienlandera, l’un des principaux implantologues autrichiens. Il a complété sa maîtrise et sa spécialisation en Amérique à UCLA et à l’Université d’Oklahoma. Depuis l`année 2005, il est devenue mentor pour l’Europe de l’Est et le Moyen-Orient, le plus grand fabricant mondial d’implants Nobel Biocare. Depuis 2007, il dirige des courses d’études spécialisées en parodontologie à l’Université de Vienne. En 2011, il s’installe à Zurich où il obtient l`emploi chez Nobel Biocare comme consultant clinique mondial. Il est encore très souvent disponible pour le contrôle de ses patients en CDEI. Il est marié avec Sanja, avec laquelle il a deux filles, Ana et Marija.
Elle a obtenu son diplôme à la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’Université de Belgrade, après quoi elle suivi les courses dans le pays et à l’étranger dans le domaine de l’endodontie et de la dentisterie esthétique. Elle est devenue membre de l`équipe CDEI en 2015. Elle est membre actif de la Société Européenne d’Endodontie (ESE). Les loisirs sont consacrés à l`alpinisme, aux voyages et à la danse tango.
Elle a fini école secondaire de médecine comme technicien dentaire à Nis, puis l`école supérieure d’études professionnelles comme prothésiste dentaire. En pratique, elle assiste le plus souvent dans des interventions dans le domaine de l’endodontie et des prothèses. Elle aime cuisiner et milite activement pour faire asile pour les chiens.
Elle a terminé l`école secondaire dentaire en 2004, puis l`école supérieure d’études professionnelles à Belgrade en 2007, département de prothèses dentaires. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années en pratique privée et ainsi acquis l’expérience dans tous les domaines de la dentisterie. Elle consacre son temps libre à la famille et aux amis.
Né à Sabac près de Sava, en 1992. Elle est devenu
Excellent all round teamwork. The land of smiles. Now I can see and feel that! Thank you all.
All the people working here are professional, great manner, and great service. Thanks very much, I'll totally recommend all my friends to your service in Australia and Japan!
Great service, professional and attentive. Better care than the U.S.
All staff here are incredibly friendly. I used to be afraid of dentists now not. All on fours complete and thorough to each fine detail no complaints. Life changing. Highly recommended.
Wow! What can I say from the moment I walked in I feel at ease. Great staff, great service and highly recommended clinic.
Thank you! Every step of the way has been professional. The quality workmanship has been well worth the trip from America.
I'm absolutely thrilled with the results of my dental work. All dentists I've seen were very considerate of my individual needs and I'm impressed by their skill and techniques. They all had excellent bedside manners. Thank you to all of the staff.
Great service and care were provided by the whole team. Dentists and surgeons provided first class care.
I honestly love this place. The treatment I've had is amazing, really happy with the results. I've got my smile back, I'm very happy..
Definitely saved me a lot of money and was satisfied with the warm and professional caring services. Thank you very much!
Everything went very smoothly. The service was very good and the dentist was excellent. Thank you very much!
I would like to thank all employees on the quality of service making me feel welcomed and providing a great service and I would be happy to recommend anyone to this dental service. Thank you.
Very good!
Very good dentist and dental assistant. And reception staff very friendly and helpful
I really liked my dentist very patient and detail-oriented. Highly recommended here!
Very happy with the result. Look good & fixed other problems with my teeth
Friendly and helpful staff who try to accommodate our request!Professional service by the dentist too! Highly recommended.
Very satisfied with the service
The cleaning service is good and the dentist was very helpful to explore my teeth situation over all it is.
Great service would highly recommend. Lovely helpful staff. Appreciated the check up calls in between appointments to check if everything was OK. Overall very satisfied and thank you
Good service. Thank you.
Professional and detailed. Pleasant treatment.
Excellent service! Have been coming for many years and will continue to come here. Staff friendly & caring.
Service & treatment are always exceptional. We will continue to return.
Fantastic service! Super friendly staff and very happy with the result.
Had a great time here.
Keep up the good job!
Friendly dentist & staff, efficient service, and facilities, value for money. Thank you.
Great experience. I highly recommend.
Everything was so good. Thanks to the dentist. He is perfect and all the other staff was awesome. Keep it up
Always provide excellent and courteous service. Highly skilled with enduring results for treatment crowns. Have been recommending this clinic to friends, family, and associates.
I was surprised how friendly and helpful the staff and dentists are! Felt very comfortable here. It was much less painful than it ever was at home. I will certainly visit again. Thank you very much!
The overall service was good, thank you.
Thank you very much for the treatment and great service. Will certainly recommend it to other friends.
Doctor and the service is very good and friendly.
The staff is always friendly and welcoming. Good responsive communication.
Thank you for, great service.
All the staff was excellent. They were a pleasure to deal with. Should I need more treatment I would not hesitate to come back.
Excellent service. Super satisfied!!!
I did teeth whitening. It was really good, thank you.
Very good service, thank you very much.
Overall satisfied with the result.
Very good! I liked the result, thank you.
The service here is really great, I would recommend it.
Thank you for good service, from Singapore.
Good service at affordable prices.
The staff is really accomodating and appreciable. Great service and very good facilities. The location is easy to find. The dentist is professional. I would come back here and recommend it to my friends and family. Keep it up!
Very professional treatment and courteous staff. No problem at all.
Very pleased with the results. Ready to show that big, white smile 🙂
Excellent service! The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable!
Great experience! Effective, efficient. I came with my husband and we have no complaints!
Very friendly staff. Quicky and efficient treatment. Would come back again.
Was good and professional. Thank you.
Great service. Doctors and teamwork professional!
Easier than I expected. The procedure was explained well in good English. I will come back in the future!
I'm very happy with the teeth whitening. My teeth have never been so white! The dentist was very helpful. Thank you!
Very professional, gentle and thorough. No needles are required for five fillings! Highly recommend!
Thank you for the care and attention over the last year. I wouldn't have thought I would get the results I have. And on top of that, the service has always been with a smile. Thanks for everything.
This was an unusual birthday present from my son. The staff were very pleasant and treated me well.
Very pleased with the service.
From start to finish I felt well looked after. Thank you so much!
The communication is excellent. The staff is very friendly. The dentist explained everything well. Thank you!
I liked the service here. Good job, thank you.
I am happy with the result. I had my teeth whitened here.
My teeth are slightly whiter than before.
I had my teeth cleaned here. Thank you.
Thank you so much for my teeth whitening! I'm very happy with the results 🙂 Would recommend to my friends and family!
Fantastic service. Very natural whitening results. Very happy.
Good service, friendly staff, attention to detail! Thank you.
I am very satisfied with root canal treatment and crowns. Would definitely recommend your clinic to my friends.
Very efficient and effective treatment. Punctual and polite. Will recommend.
I'm happy with the whitening result! Cheers!
Great service, thank you.
Good service overall.
Very good service recommended.
This place is excellent! 5 star service for dental treatment
A decent dental with a fair price, good value.
Loved this place! The staff was all lovely and professional.
Thank you for making my teeth beautiful again. Recommending this place to others.
This place is very professional, good facility, friendly staff, all results are good!
Professional, helpful service. Great results!!
Everyone was helpful, friendly. The dentist communicated clearly what procedure he'd be doing. I would recommend it to others!
Friendly staff, well taken care of. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your service, much appreciated.
Highly recommended! Everything is wonderful, giving a full score for this service and result!
Definitely, a good dental place to come do your dental work. All is good, the result is excellent. Will recommend.
Been here for many years now, I will always come here because the service is great. All at great value, highly recommended.
Very good, the facility is nice and clean 🙂
The staff is great, good atmosphere, keep it up!
Very impressed with the facilities and staff. Everything was perfect again and I felt very comfortable all throughout my treatment. Highly recommend!
Fabulous service & treatment. Will recommend this clinic to my family and friends.
The attention to detail was outstanding. I would recommend this clinic to anybody about to have dental work. My well being was their top priority.
I didn't know what to expect but my experience is beyond anything. This was the best service I've got in about 55 years. Thank you!
I used to be scared to smile, now I can't stop! Every doctor was so calming and kind. They made my experience great. I can't thank all staff enough!
At no time did I feel any apprehension concerning dental work and I'm completely satisfied with the final result. Thank you.
I'm very happy with the result. The dentist says my tooth is 99% perfect and I say it's 99.5%!
The surgery for the implant was professional and painless. The English speaking surgeon explained every procedure in a thoughtful, reassuring manner.
Quick, painless, and gentle! Recommended, will come again for sure.
Everything was very good. The dentist was really kind and supportive.
A great experience. The service was of high quality and very affordable. Definitely be back!
I was given lots of good advice about how to care for my teeth. The treatment was very affordable and efficient.
Excellent manner, good communication. Kind & professional service from everybody. Will come back again!
Friendly staff and professional dentists. Good value.
Good communication. Very happy with the results.
The staff was extremely courteous and professional. Very patient and provided good information.
The staff is friendly and professional. Good service, happy with the results.
Wonderful experience ever! Affordable price too. Will definitely introduce to my family and friends. Keep up the good work!
The receptionist is very helpful, polite. Overall, I would recommend it to others who need it.
Excellent service.
The staff is very friendly and helpful! 🙂
Very professional and friendly. Good quality dentist at a fair price. The staff is very welcoming. Will come back for future needs.
Thanks for your service. I had crowns done. Good job.
Very friendly and professional! Thank you!
Came with my friend here. Great service, thank you very much.
Good job, I like it here. Will come again.
Satisfied with overall treatment and service. Very professional and friendly staff and dentists.
All together very good, thank you. 🙂
Excellent service! Great job. Thank you, everyone.
All good. Thank you very much team.
The dentist and staff are very caring and polite. Very happy with my treatment.
The service is excellent. I would recommend this place.
Good dental treatment. I'm satisfied with the result.
Good service, helpful and will visit again!
I'm very good, thank you! My crowns will last a long time now!
Excellent service from start to finish at a very good price. Highly recommended.
Very friendly and professional staff. Will definitely recommend it to family and friends. Thank you again for your excellent service.
What a wonderful experience. From the kind and courteous front office staff right through to the doctors who perform tirelessly on creating my perfect smile, I thank you all.
Found out about this clinic from my son after he has work done here. I've left very satisfied every time, great work and staff, highly recommend to anyone and have traveled from Australia.
Really great experience, quick, easy, and it feels like everyone cares to make sure everything is going smoothly. Very happy with the result, Thank you!
Everything is excellent, a friend recommended me to this clinic and I'll definitely recommend this clinic to my friends as well.
Very satisfied with the result, thank you very much.
Great service, love the dentist! Very professional, and I'm satisfied with the result. Great value for money!
Great job everyone, I liked the service here and will recommend it.
Excellent quality dental treatment.
Service is excellent here, thank you very much team.
Thanks to the nurses and gentle dentist. It was a comfortable and pleasant treatment. The doctor was careful and checked thoroughly. Thank you.
Excellent treatment service! And good value for money!
This is my third visit to CDEI. I've always been satisfied with the services provided. I'll definitely return for my detal needs and will recommend friends to CDEI!
I highly recommend CDEI. Quality treatment and fantastic staff. Address all concerns! Thank you.
Dr. Igor Ristic is very knowledgeable and careful! The cleaning was done fast with precision. Definitely recommend!
As always Dr. Igor Risticprovided excellent professional care. He is an expert in his field and takes the time to do things right.
I had followed up appointment with Dr. Igor Ristic. Like always he was highly professional and helpful. Thank you Dr. Igor Ristic for being always available when I need your expertise.
CDEI is simply fantastic. Dr. Igor Ristic was outstanding. He truly cares and wants only the best for his patients. The entire staff that worked with me was dedicated and efficient. We would definitely recommend him and CDEI to all. Thanks again.
Dr. Igor Ristic is an excellent dentist and so knowledgeable.
Outstanding service. Dr. Igor Ristic was friendly, helpful, and made the whole experience comfortable. Great prices, saved a bunch compared to having work done in Phoenix.
I chose CDEI not because I used their services before or because somebody recommended them to me, but after doing good research about all the clinics in Belgrade. Im not regretting that choice I made. The personnel was very friendly and the job they did is very good. I had a root canal done, a crown and a few feelings. I am highly satisfied with the result so far. The doctors didnt rush but they took the time they need to work carefully and properly. If you choose CDEI ask to be taken care of by Dr. Igor Ristic. Hes the best!
Dr. Igor Ristic did a great job. Highly recommend these guys. Will be going back.
Very good service,nice employees, clean facilities Thank you!
Appreciate your professional attitude of all staff members. Very satisfied with results.
Just great ! Will come and send everyone i know.
Good staff, friendly and professional. Will recommend to others.
Very easy. Very comforting and helpful.
Everyone was so helpful + friendly. I appreciated the candid opinions to make sure i got the best treatment for me.
Wonderful experience with skilled professionals.
I was very pleased with all the work done, professional and friendly. I will recommend this place to anyone.
I thought the staff did a great job, friendly and quality work.
Doctors were very good to work with.
Great service, friendly staff, gentle and professional dentists.
Excellent care and professionalism! Thank you!
Very helpful and knowledgeable.
I am very happy with my results and I will recommend you to my friends for future dental work.
Great to be able to chew again comfortably.Dentists and assistants were very profesional.
Very professional, courteous and knowledgeable doctors and staff. Would definitely recommend.
Everything went well, very happy with your service.
We were treated very well
The staff are fabulous very helpful, friendly, and they do a wonderful job.
Great work. The staff is helpful caring courteous skilled. Made me feel very comfortable. The office is very clean.
Very good service and good price.
The entire staff was friendly and the doctor was highly skilled with the work he performed. I am going back home with a much better smile.
I was very happy with the dentist I will come back. Thank you.
In general I am very happy with the general service.
All Doctors were caring and helpful. I was very pleased with the quality of dental work performed. One extraction three crowns with bridge, would recommend this office.
Highly impressed with my trip. Wish i could have done it sooner.
All around satisfied with product and service
Very satisfied with quality of work.
Staff and process was very courteous and professional. I appreciate the attention to dental and to my personal.
All our work was done well, I had a pain issue which was deal promptly very pleased.
Staff were very helpful and work professional
Everyone is very nice and communicates well, I fully understood all instructions given, a very professional business.
The BEST place for dental work very nice people, very clean, rates are outstanding," And the work was 5 stars/TOP OF THE LINE ALL THE WAY".
Work that was done feels great. It took no time to get all the work done. I would come back, if necessary! Thank you!
Very professional staff. So happy with the results! I recommend this clinic to everyone!
Overall had a very good experience.
Very professional and courteous. Service is superb.
Very nice experience! Everyone was friendly. My teeth look and feel so good!
The staff and doctors were very efficient and professional. I had a lot of necessary work performed during the first appointment. Very happy.
Very quick service and everyone was very nice just as in previous visits.
I am very pleased with the doctors and staff. Everyone is very courteous and considerate. Please keep up the good work!
Everyone was good and the quality of the work was exceptional.
Excellent service and work as usual.
Was efficient, professional and did a great job on my teeth. I would come back here again if I needed anything done in the future.
Very good service for check up and cleaning by a dentist. I'll use again and recommend.
Great care and friendly caring help.
Could have not picked a better clinic very happy!
Great experience, awesome staff. I will definitely be back and will encourage my friends and family to come here!
Excellent experience again. Very professional and kind staff who do an excellent job.
Love this place! Very friendly and helpful. My best dentist!
Unbelievably awesome! Fast, painless, amazing!
This was a great experience, I will come back again. I will also tell everyone about you.
Great service, communication and cost!
Highly recommend! the services provide is a collaborative effor of all doctors. Invested working together for the best interactions with the patient.
Excellent service, very good service, thank you Dr. Dr Igor Ristic:)
They look amazing and the price was terrific.
Thanks a lot for such a nice work!
This clinic is so good! People are very helpful and nice.
So happy with everything!
We couldn’t have asked for more and will definitely be back.
We had a wonderful experience with this office. Our dentist was excellent.
I experienced less discomfort and pain with these dentists than with any dentist I have ever used before.
Everything I hoped for and more. Kind, caring and efficient dentists and assistants.
Excellent work
Very satisfied with the professional service!
I had great experience!
Real People who really care, work done quickly and right.
Excellent experience. Very pleased with result.
Great experience.
Never thought s dental experience could be so pleasant.. I am very happy with the results.
All the staff were so good that I plan to get all my future work done here.
Very happy with my teeth. Will come back for all my dental work
The results are superior to most of my previous experiences, at a cost much more reasonable than in Canada, even when including the cost for travel and accommodation.
Everyone is pleasant and speaks English.
Everyone is a perfectionist from the organization to the dental procedures.
You have restored my faith in dentists! Thank you so much for your service.
Service was exceptional, everyone was wonderful. Would definitely recommend!
The experience was great. The crown feels very good so far and I will definitely return!!!
Excellent job!
I could not have had a better experience.
I came here to have major work done and was more than pleased. This was the best dental experience in my 62 years of life.
I would recommend this place to all my friends in the US!
Better quality than any work done in US or Canada.
Cannot say enough good things. Am recommending to EVERYONE!
Everyone was pleasant, polite, and knowledgeable!
This was the BEST dental experience I have ever had!
Everyone on the staff was INCREDIBLE! Very friendly, and kind.
They were able to save my teeth and give me a new smile.
Great friendly staff and very cheap price compared to my home town of Australia.
I never experienced any pain.Very nice people!!!
I will recommend them to anyone who I talk to.
Exceptional quality of work, very professional, friendly and highly trained staff.
The whole process was painless (literally) and the savings were beyond even what I had anticipated before I came down.
Very efficent and very clean.
The staff were highly competent, kind, gentle and the equipment was state of the art.
My husband & I are completely satisfied.
They were superb in every way!! Highly recommend!
They have given me a new smile and therefore a new life with the work that they accomplished.
Excellent communication
We loved our experience. Don’t hesitate to have dental work done here.
The staff were very qualified and pleasant to be around. We will be returning for future visits.
The results could not be better!!!
They are very professional and so easy and pleasant to deal with.
I am very pleased with the results so far.
The entire staff are very accommodating and always very professional.
Absolutely incredible!
Highly recommend this clinic.
Highly recommend them – felt confident from the first visit and very impressed with their care and expertise.
We all were happy with our dental work.
They are all very competent, professional and friendly. Thank you to all.
I was pleasantly surprised how easy everything was!
Quality dental care
This has been a wonderful experience for me. I would recommend this clinic!!!
I was extremely impressed with the overall service and experience.
Everyone in the office was very pleasant and helpful.
I can now smile with confidence. Thank you!
The service is great, friendly and professional.
This was by far the absolute best experience I have ever had!
I was very satisfied the service and treatment I received.
The entire staff is very knowledgeable and professional.
The dentist and doctor, as well as all the staff, were very professional and highly qualified.
Terrific service, painless and fast!
I loved the experience and recommend it to everyone! I love my bright smile!
It was better than I ever imagined. All the staff is courteous and highly trained.
The clinic is efficient and well run by great staff.
They were excellent!!!!
These people are amazing!!!!
Thank you to everyone we meet in clinic.
Great Staff, Extremely professional and the very best quality work.
Excellent care – high quality results.
Service was excellent.
This was a fabulous experience.
Staff were very professional and accomodatting.
My daughter and I couldn’t be happier with the work we had done .
I had the best experience and I’ll definitely recommend to friends.
Efficient service and dentist, staff have great communication.
My whole experience was so great!!!
Staff speaks good English and were very courteous and helpful!!!
Nice staff and great service.
Thank you for the good treatment. Job well done.
Very quick and excellent service.
Service is great and all the staff are friendly.
Service is great and all the staff are friendly.
Perfect service.
Dentist and staff explained the treatment well.
Very clean environment and very professional staff.
Thank you for the great service. Keep up the good work.
Dentist and staff are professional. Perfect service.
Excellent service.
Very professional dentist and staff.
Great communication, very clean environment and modern facilities.
Thank you for the great service. All the staff are professional and friendly.
Professional, efficient and accommodating!
Everybody was very professional and caring. I had no concerns, the facilities were so clean and fresh.
Very friendly,patient and professional staff has been a very kind. Thank you so much for every one’s kindness,care and concern for me.
The staff was very efficient, qualified, and friendly. All of the staff spoke English, which was very helpful for me. And the pricing is very good.
Very good professional service. Very nice looking receptionist as well. Will be back for sure! Thank you.
The dentist was fantastic. He made me feel very comfortable and explained everything very well. I would come back here for every appointment if I could.
All staffs were extremely friendly , efficient, went out of there way to help us. The dental work was of a very high standard.
Level of service has been incredible
Great service highly recommend
Very good service.
Very happy with service here.
Everyone was friendly, and helpful. Good experience.
I was very satisfied with the dentist work done
Very good, painless way to improve your smile.
Thank you for giving me back my smile.
It was so painless
The work undertaken was professional
The technicians and staff were courteous, friendly and patient.
Everything has been top notch.
I am very happy with my new teeth.
Thank you very much.
Overall very good service.
Clinic is very clean and professional.
Reception staff extremely friendly.
it was more than I was expecting. I’m really happy!
highly recommend to all
Excellent price performance ratio!
Great clinic
Good doctors and assistants
Thank you for staying smiley even when I’m impatient 🙂
Great Job!
I’m more than satisfied
Will be back!! Thank you
Highly recommend
Dentist and staff were super friendly.
I have told all my friends and family about your clinic
They looked after me so well
I am very pleasantly surprised
Professional and absolutely thorough in their work
everything is perfect
Highly recommend anyone with dental issues!
Great experience
Excellent service
Very impressed
Very professinal
Friendly service
Thank you so much.
Very professional
Love Everything, 5 stars!
The procedure turned out exactely as it was explained.
This was my first visit and everything was wonderful.
I am very satisfied with treatment received.
Everything is good!
Thank you to all the staff members
Clean office, dentist was very informative.
Excellent service.
Good service, very satisfied with the doctors and staff.
All excellent
This is a top notch dental care clinic
Great service!
Very good service and staff.
Excellent service
Excellent care
Best Dentist I have ever had
Always a pleasure
Thank you!
Quality work
Great communication
They were very committed to relive my pain, very clean clinic overall, 100% satisfied.
Very kind staff
I will recommend your office to all my friends
I am so happy with the staff and their courteousness.
Great service
Very good service thank you!!!
Excellent dentist
Everyone was very helpful and communicative
Everything good
Very professional.
Everyone was supportive and friendly
State of the art equipment
Very efficient
Very professional work
Very professional dentist and staff
I enjoyed my visit with the friendly staff and clean office. I would gladly recommend.
Staff is friendly and informative.
Quality dental care
Friendly staff, great prices!
Super accommodating
Very friendly and professional
Excellent cost and people
Excellent service
Extremely helpful staff
Very clean, professional and painless!
Dentist did things efficiently while making sure I was comfortable at all times.
This dentist team is a very good choice!
Best dental experience!
They made me feel comfortable and explained everything they did.
Staff was extremely friendly and informative.
Thank you!
Very friendly staff and doctors!
Staff was friendly and professional.
Easy to talk to, informative, economical, thorough, clean, polite, Highly recommended.
I will be back for my future dental needs. Thank you!
It was a great dental job!
Very professional
The treatment itself was painless and the attention to detail amazing.
The doctors make sure the patient feels comfortable at all times
So helpful with directions, location, procedures.
Communication was perfect
Very professional
Thank you!
Great work without pressure to buy unneeded work.
I love my new smile!!!
Wonderful work
Best attention and the best service.
Very friendly
5 stars, will recommend!
Extremely professional.
Very clean
Best staff, best service, best accommodation!
Love it!
The dentist I had was professional and treatment me with respect.
Very kind
The best dental clinic I’ve ever known.
Very good doctors,excellent service!
My family will be back again and again.
I was greeted with very friendly, kind staff who all had beautiful smiles.
What a fantastic clinic!
I give you a ten out of ten. With many thanks.
Thanks to all the staff for making me feel safe and comfortable duing my dental treatment.
Will recommend to others.
Thank you for your professional service.
Very friendly staff.
I am very happy with the work I received.
I would recommend all service being offred in a very friendly and clean evironment.
I am completely satisfied with the service, the treatment, the attention and the hygiene.
Completely professional work, I’m very happy with it.
Very professional
Your professionalism & service is excellent & I will recommend all my friends. Keep the excellent work!
Very professional and clean.
Excellent service, good quality work.
Very friendly staff. Thank you for your professional service. Will recommend to others.
Very good service!
Very nice and friendly
Excellent service and very polite.
My satisfaction is total. I received what I wanted, with an excellent care and at a very fair price!
I am very happy with the work I received.
Highly recommend.
Dental work at the highest callibre.
Excellent service.
I love this place. I will come again.
Better than expected. Will come again.
Service is excellent!
Thank you for this high class service. Will recommend to my family and friends.
Very good experience
Staff is very nice, clean and communicate very well. Friendly!!
Everyone was pleasant, informative, competent, and flexible.
Great quality, service and comfort.
I have spread the word about their good work. I just can’t say enough good things about my treatment.
Great!!! Very nice and friendly staff.
Great quality and service!
You have all been amazing!!!
Great service, will recommend!
It was great and the office is beautiful and high tech!
Thank you for giving me a smile I never thought I would have!
Very good experience!
Friendly and caring staff. Dentist is skillful and kind. Work is great.
They got me right in and explained everything I needed to have done thoroughly. Thank you!!
Very nice and professional staff! I love this place!
Very nice office, staff very friendly.
Thank you for the treatments provided.
Very professional and top quality service.
Very satisfied with the quality of the dental service and reasonably priced too.
Really happy with the service provide. I’ve got my smile back, all the staff are so friendly and the dentists are incredible.
Excellent care!
Everything was great
Great staff and great experience!
Great work, great staff and reasonable price dental work.
Very good experience!
Overall I’m very happy with the clinic.
Great service!
I’m very pleased with all my service. Great team, very professional.
Great service, definitely will return for more services.
Very kind and professional service, thanks!
It exceeded all of my expectations. Many thanks to all!
The procedures were painless and well done.
The office is clean and equipment is top. I recommend this dental office.
As always, great work. Highly recommend.
Assistant and the staff working in the office area were excellent. Everyone was friendly, and helpful. Good experience.
I am thankful that I came here. Jake and I prayed about a good experience and that is what we had. Thank you!
I was impressed with the whole experience! Thank you!
I was a little undecided about traveling across the border for dental work. This was a great choice. I would do it all over again. Great people, you won’t be disappointed in the quality of work.
I would absolutely recommend this amazing clinic to anyone in need of a dentist.
Very good, painfree way to improve your smile. Excellent service from reception excellent service from dentist great value will recommend to my family and friends. Thank you.
I have always been very happy with the dental care and the very helpful staff. Great prices too!
Just had my first appointment yesterday. It was Great!
It was a really smooth process the staff was extremely nice and put me in a comfortable state.
The technicians and staff were courteous, friendly and patient. The work undertaken was professional and I am very happy with the outcome I can now smile with confidence for the first time in many years.
I would highly recommend anyone to come here for any dental work they may need!
The entire staff was awesome! Very professional, advanced equipment, and friendly doctors. I wish I had found them sooner.
Wonderful, polite, professional staff! So happy with services provided. Painless!
Thanks for the really good service , it was more than I was expecting. I’m really happy!!!
From upon arrival the service was excellent. Each dentist i saw explained everything. I could not have had a better experience at dentist!
Great experience from the moment I called to meeting the staff & completing the wealth. Highly recommend anyone with dental issues.
Very friendly and professional staff. Procedures performed efficiently and painlessly. Wonderful, better than any US dentist!