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Dental Clinic "LAZIC"
Perché noi?
Lo studio dentistico Dental Clinic LAZIC è stato fondato nel 1998 e per quasi due decenni della sua esistenza è diventato il sinonimo della prestazione professionale, esperta e di altissimo livello di tutti i tipi di servizi odontoiatrici. La fondatrice di Dental Clinic LAZIC è la dott.ssa Vesna Lazic che è specializzata in protetica odontoiatrica, con anni di esperienza nel lavoro con la ceramica senza metallo, con la protetica sugli impianti e nelle correzioni di malocclusione dentale, nonché l’esperta di odontoiatria estetica restaurativa e di applicazione della tecnologia CAD/CAM. Nell’eccellente team di questo studio dentistico si trova il chirurgo orale – implantologo, professor dott. Zoran Lazic, specialista in chirurgia orale dal 1993, professore di ruolo della materia di chirurgia orale all’Accademia Militare Medica dal 2010, insegnante ufficiale dei sistemi d’impianto Nobel Biocare, Zimmer Dental, Implant Direct e Sweden-Martina, ambasciatore Congresso Internazionale di implantologi orali per la Serbia, professore della materia di chirurgia orale e implantologia orale alla Facoltà di Medicina di Kosovska Mitrovica, insegnante sull’invito dell’Educazione Medica Continua a Kosovska Mitrovica e insegnante degli studi postlaurea all’Accademia Militare Medica, dove è anche il primario della Clinica di Odontoiatria, nonché l’autore di più di 150 lavori dal campo di implantologia, chirurgia maxillo-facciale ed orale.
Nell’eccezionale team ci sono anche la dott.ssa Svetlana Radonjic, specialista in protetica odontoiatrica, il dott. Marko Magic, la nuova forza entrante dott.ssa Gorana Lazic, l’infermiera odontoiatrica Mirjana Rankovic che nello studio è responsabile dell’intera organizzazione della gestione d’affari, nonché il tecnico odontoiatrico Elmir Kratovic. Nello studio Dental Clinic potete avere tutti i tipi di servizi odontoiatrici che vanno a pari passo con tutti i più moderni metodi mondiali da questo campo di medicina e con l’uso dei migliori accessori e materiali odontoiatrici. La prima visita che è gratuita vi consentirà di conoscere tutto quello che riguarda il vostro problema odontoiatrico e allo stesso tempo vi farà avere l’informazione riguardante i metodi e i modi di come risolverlo nel modo più efficace e meno doloroso. La terapia con il laser, le otturazioni estetiche, lo sbiancamento dei denti, la CAD/CAM, le faccette, l’implantologia, la chirurgia orale, la protetica, la parodontologia, l’ortodonzia e l’endodonzia. Tutto questo si trova sul “menu” dello studio Dental Clinic LAZIC attraverso il quale, dalla sua fondazione fino ad oggi, è passato un grande numero di pazienti soddisfatti, con un splendido sorriso sul viso!
La comunicazione via e-mail tramite il pulsante CONTATTO CLINIC è il modo più semplice per contattare il nostro team. Nell'e-mail dovresti descrivere il tuo problema, i tuoi desideri, i tuoi piani e porre tutte le domande che potrebbero esserci. L'e-mail dovrebbe contenere anche una radiografia dentale digitale di entrambe le mascelle (ma non necessaria) in modo da noi poter avere una migliore comprensione della struttura ossea e dei denti. Dopo un'analisi dettagliata il nostro team determinerà il processo di trattamento e ti presenterà tutte le opzioni (se ce ne sono più di una). Conoscerai l'intera procedura, come ad esempio quali interventi saranno necessari, la durata, quante volte dovrai arrivare e, naturalmente, il prezzo preciso del trattamento.
Quando arriviamo a un accordo, la data del tuo arrivo dipende completamente da te. Cercheremo di rendere il tuo soggiorno piacevole e gli interventi dentali completamente indolori! Per i cittadini stranieri che hanno un'assicurazione sanitaria che copre le procedure dentali, diamo ricevute dei nostri servizi che consentono ai nostri pazienti di ottenere un rimborso. Inoltre, pubblichiamo rapporti medici che giustificano la tua assenza dal lavoro.
Contattaci e ricevi un piano di trattamento personalizzato gratuito e un'offerta precisa.
Impianti | Prezzi | Tempo Richiesto (giorni) |
Consulenza e Preventivo | 0€ | 1 |
Impianti (Zimmer) | 600€ | 2 - 3 |
Impianti (Nobel Biocare) | 750€ | 2 - 3 |
All on 4 Impianti | 4000€ | 2 - 3 |
All on 6 Impianti | 5500€ | 2 - 3 |
Aumento Osseo | 245€ | 1 |
Sinus Sollevamento | 800€ | 1 |
Corone/Faccette | Prezzi | Tempo Richiesto (giorni) |
Corone in Zirconio | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Corone in Ceramica Integrale | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Corone in Metallo Ceramica | 120€ | 5 - 7 |
Corone Provvisorie | 25€ | 1 |
Corone in Ceramica Integrale su Impianti | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Corone in Metallo Ceramica su Impianti | 200€ | 5 - 7 |
Faccette/Impiallacciature Dentale (Ceramica, Porcellana) | 250€ | 4 - 7 |
Faccette no Prep | 250€ | 4 - 7 |
Faccette in Composito | 50€ | 1 - 2 |
Protesi | Prezzi | Tempo Richiesto (giorni) |
Protesi in acrilico (parziale, totale) | 250€ | 4 - 5 |
Protesi Scheletriche Parziali | 400€ | 4 - 5 |
Protesi (parziale, totale) con base in metallo | 300€ | 4 - 5 |
Parentesi Graffa Mobile | 250€ | 4 - 5 |
Parentesi Graffe Fisse | 700€ | 4 - 5 |
Parentesi Graffe Fisse Cosmetiche | 1000€ | 4 - 5 |
Raddrizzatura Foil | 130€ | 4 - 5 |
Altri Trattamenti | Prezzi | Tempo Richiesto (giorni) |
Sbiancamento Domestico | 200€ | 1 |
Sbiancamento dell’Ufficio | 300€ | 1 |
Otturazioni Cosmetici | 40€ | 1 |
Inlay/Onlay | 250€ | 4 - 7 |
Estrazione di Base | 30€ | 1 |
Estrazione Chirurgica | 120€ | 1 |
Trattamento Endodontico | 40€ | 1 |
Contatto Clinic (GRATUITO)
Scrivere una recensione
Il professor dott. Zoran Lazic è nato nel 1963. Ha terminato la Facoltà di odontoiatria a Belgrado e dal 1993 è lo specialista di chirurgia orale. Ha discusso il Dottorato dal campo dell’implantologia orale e del fattore di crescita nel 2004. Dall’inizio della carriera il professor Lazic lavora nel reparto di implantologia dell’Accademia Militare Medica ed attualmente è il primario della Clinica odontoiatrica della stessa accademia. E’ insegnante degli studi postlaurea alla Facoltà di medicina dell’Università di difesa nonché alla Facoltà di odontoiatria a Kosovska Mitrovica e a Kragujevac. Il prof. Zoran Lazic è membro dell’Accademia delle scienze di medicina della Società serba dei medici ed ex presidente della sezione di Implantologia Orale della Società serba dei medici. E’ insegnante ufficiale dei sistemi implantologici di Nobel Biocare, Zimmer Biomet, Implant Direct e B&B Dental ed, membro dell’Associazione Europea di Osteointegrazione e della Fondazione di Riabilitazione Orale è ambasciatore Congresso Internazionale di implantologi orali per la Serbia.
Dott.ssa Vesna Lazic è nata il 20 febbraio 1963 a Belgrado. E’ cresciuta ed ha studiato a New York. Ha terminato gli studi base di odontoiatria a Belgrado. E’ specializzata in protetica odontoiatrica con tanti anni di esperienza nel lavoro con la ceramica senza metallo, con la protetica sugli impianti e nel risanamento di tutti i tipi di malocclusione. Si occupa della stomatologia estetica restaurativa e di tecnologia CAD/CAM. Ha frequentato una serie di corsi avanzati dal campo di odontoiatria estetica ed è la partecipante regolare di tutti i più grandi congressi sia nel paese che all’estero. E’ la fondatrice dello studio dentistico Dental Clinic. E’ madre di tre bambini.
La dott.ssa Svetlana Radonjic è nata il 26 agosto 1982 a Nasice. Ha terminato gli studi base a Nis nel 2007. Lavora nello studio dentistico Dental Clinic dal 2008. E’ specializzata in protetica odontoiatrica, in particolare è interessata ai lavori protetici fissi e mobili sugli impianti. Ha frequentato numerosi corsi e officine dal campo di endodonzia, odontoiatria estetica ed applicazione del laser nell’odontoiatria.
Il dott. Marko Magic è nato nel 1985 a Belgrado. Si è laureato alla Facoltà di odontoiatria dell’Università di Belgrado nel 2011 dove si è iscritto agli studi di dottorato dal campo di chirurgia orale. Ha trascorso un anno alla specializzazione clinica nel reparto di implantologia della clinica di odontoiatria dell’Accademia Militare Medica. Dal mese di maggio 2013 è il ricercatore collaboratore sul progetto del Ministero di istruzione, scienze e sviluppo tecnologico alla Facoltà di odontoiatria di Belgrado. Dal 2012 fa parte del team dello studio dentistico Dental Clinic. Attualmente si trova agli studi specialistici di chirurgia orale. E’ membro dell’Associazione Europea di Osteointegrazione, della Fondazione di Riabilitazione Orale e della Fondazione Osteology. E’ l’autore di più lavori dal campo di medicina orale e di implantologia orale. Partecipa regolarmente agli incontri dal campo di chirurgia orale, paradontologia e implantologia nel paese e all’estero.
La dott.ssa Gorana Lazic è nata il 22 gennaio 1992 a Belgrado. Il quarto superiore lo ha terminato negli USA dopo di che è tornata a Belgrado dove nel 2010 si è iscritta alla Facoltà di odontoiatria. Era estremamente attiva durante gli studi. Tra l’altro, al secondo anno è diventata l’autore di un lavoro di ricerca scientifica. Si è laureata nel mese di giugno 2016 e da allora fa lo stage all’Accademia Militare Medica di Belgrado. Appartiene alle nuove forze dello studio dentistico Dental Clinic che molto presto avranno un ruolo sempre più importante.
Elmir Kratovic è nato il 17 marzo 1981 a Priboj. Ha terminato la scuola media superiore di medicina “Dr Branko Zogovic”, indirizzo tecnico dentistico, a Berane. Nello studio dentistico Dental Clinic lavora dal 2013 alla posizione dell’assistente odontoiatrico. Inoltre, è responsabile per l’organizzazione della gestione d’affari dello Studio. Prima di Dental Clinic, dal 2002 al 2006, ha lavorato nello Studio dentistico a Priboj, mentre dal 2006 al 2013 ha lavorato nello Studio Dental Clinic all’hotel “Maestral” a Pržno dove ha acquisito l’esperienza nell’organizzazione della chirurgia orale, implantologia ed odontoiatria conservativa. Parla la lingua russa, italiana e inglese.
Mirjana Rankovic è nata il 7 marzo 1980 a Obrenovac. Ha terminato la scuola media superiore a Belgrado. Ha 16 anni di esperienza lavorativa. Lavora nello studio dentistico Dental Clinic dal 2016 ed è responsabile per l’intera organizzazione della gestione d’affari. Prima di Dental Clinic ha acquisito l’esperienza lavorativa nella Clinica di implantologia dell’Accademia Militare Medica dove ha lavorato dal 1999 al 2002.
Friendly and helpful!
Space and technology that is being worked with is most comfortable
Very friendly staff and well run. Very clean facility.
Amazing from start to finish! Thank You!
Quick and very good
Great Dental Experience
Dentist was very nice! I appreciated him calling me by name during dental work 🙂
Quality and price is what I like the most !!
Thoroughly impressed with how organized everyone was. Especially with staff checked on schedule.
Clean, cost, effective, great quality.
Very kind and great communication
Multiple procedures are done at once, kind staff, clean, good price.
The dentists and staff listen my dental concerns.
Excellent treatment.
Great dental experience!!
Efficient, clean, professional.
Great dental experience!
Everyone is courteous and friendly.
Value and price for services.
Customer service, cleanliness, response to covid cleanliness, very professional Doctor and staff.
Very clean dental office.
Everyone is friendly and does a great job.
Dentists and staff do an amazing job.
Great service!
Everyone is professional, courteous and friendly.
Professional and friendly.
Clean, comfortable, with knowledgeable staff
My dentist was very professional.
Overall quality on convenience.
Great staff and value.
The dentist and staff listen to my dental concerns.
Communication and honest professional opinions.
The quality is wonderful and professional
Quality and attention to detail.
Prices, clean, comfortable with knowledgeable staff
Everyone is professional, courteous and friendly
Great service!
Fast and professional.
The work is good.
Great price and service.
Everyone is friendly and does a great job.
Space and technology is being worked with its most comforting. The dentist and staff do an amazing job
Great service, friendly staff
Just overall quality
Their staff is friendly and they make going to the dentist an easy experience.
Everyone is efficient and helpful-explained things very well. Very nice Doctors. Thank You!!
Very professional
The staff is amazing
The process was easy and explained
Quality, friendliness. Dentists and staff do an amazing job.
Everyone is professional, courteous and friendly.
Like it all. Great dental experience.
Everyone is professional, courteous and friendly
Overall good service
Clean and affordable
The staff are helpful. The place is very clean- Everyone I met is professional
The overall experience was incredible.
Quick and friendly
Everyone is professional and friendly
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew
My dentist was very professional and fast.
Good work, clean office
Good explanation on procedures
Friendly staff, very clean facilities, prices are good.
Everything was excellent!
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew.
The people are great.
Everyone is professional, courteous, and friendly.
Professionalism and friendly.
The doctors here are very good.
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew.
Super clean and easy to understand.
They did a good professional job
Everyone was very friendly.
Very pleased with everything.
Great dental experience.
The dentists and staff listen to my dental concerns.
Great Dentist! Very professional and always very friendly.
Very clean dental office.
My dentist was very professional.
The dentists and staff listen to my dental concerns.
Great dentist! very professional and always very friendly.
My dentist was very professional
Everyone is friendly and does a great job.
Great price very professional
Everyone was very nice and helpful.
My dentist was very professional.
Very nice staff always around, each person is very friendly thank you so much for taking care of me and God bless you all 🙂
Great dental experience.
Very well organized and courteous staff.
Friendly, painless, and professional.
Gentle and compassionate team.
Reasonable prices and fast service. friendly, very clean, and efficient.
Fast and professional.
Great dental experience.
Great experience.
All good, no question
Great job as always.
Speed, price, and service.
Fast, friendly and affordable
Easy of care
Very professional and friendly
Very clean dental office.
Eveything was to my satisfaction.
The dentist and staff do an amazing job.
Overall a great experience.
Everyone is friendly and does a great job.
Quick in and out, professional.
Quality and cost of service.
Everyone goes above and beyond to provide ——– friendly and professional service.
Friendly and able to get procedures done without multiple trips..
Everyone is professional, courteous, and friendly…
I love that every appointment is on time.
I would recommend this dental practice to friends and family..
The dentist and staff listen to my dental concerns.
Very satisfied with all the services.
Everybody had been excellent, professional, and knowledgeable.
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew.
Very professional and knowledgeable.
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew.
The convenience of all facilities in one location!
Staff, dentist and work exceptional!!
My dentist was very professional.
Great staff, doctors were very aware of my concerns.
Their staff is friendly and they make going to the dentist an easy experience.
Cleanliness and efficiency.
Just amazing the 3D Scan is super cool. Nice to know there is such a tech!!
Friendly and professional. Clean facilities.
Great Dentist!! Very professional and always very friendly..
Staff was friendly and professional and did a great job and made the experience comfortable.
Clean office, pleasant staff.
Always very pleasant and considerate
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew.
Customer service is awesome!!
Affordable and very good quality.
Good. Dentists and staff do an amazing job.
Quality of work, location a convenience.
Quick and inexpensive very professional service.
I like the speed of getting the work done.
Everything was great.
I like the comfort and care.
I appreciate the quality and the time that is spent with me at each appointment.
I like the price and the Doctor was great!
The dentist was nice and great dental experience.
Everyone is professional, courteous and friendly.
Friendly staff
How nice everyone is
Most of the staff was very friendly. The doctor went over the steps with me before each procedure.
Convenient and cost effective.
Close to the border office very nice.
The efficiency is great.
Very good taken care of.
The staff was very courteous, Doctors were very friendly, treated with respect.
It was fast and efficient.
Everyone is professional, courteous and friendly.
My dentist was very professional.
The great and compassionate team, I liked everything!
Great service!
I like the quality and the dentists and staff do an amazing job!
Very friendly and professional service.
I liked everything. I am completely satisfied, thank you!!
It was comfortable.
Everyone is professional, courteous, and friendly.
It was very good.
The dentist and staff do an amazing job!
Excellent treatment and attitude by the entire crew.
Very friendly and excellent treatment.
The office entrance, reception, and dentist's room are exceptionally clean.
Great service, fast and caring!!
My dentist was very professional.
Price is what I liked the most!!
Price is what I liked the most!!
Kind, caring, great communication, great job, highly recommended!
I like your service a lot!
Very clear about what I needed to be done. Out front all options, they got done everything agreed upon with experience and speed.
Dental Clinic Lazic makes going to the dentist enjoyable.
Everything! through, professionalism, friendly, informed, clean Dr. Zoran Lazic was delightful, I'm very happy with his work.
Every experience in all areas was excellent but most was the professional expertise of Dr. Zoran Lazic.
Wonderful caring people! From the time you walk in, to when you have to beat the border crossing time. Everyone is professional and compassionate, even their receptionists and shuttle drivers, amazing people! Dr. Zoran Lazic and his assistant were knowledgeable and caring. I told him I was extremely nervous, he explained everything to me, before he began, asked if I had any questions. I had tissue graphing surgery for reseeding gums. I would highly recommend Dr. Zoran Lazic and his assistant, they are professional and kind! Keep up the Great work! Dental Clinic Lazic is #1, for treatment, professionalism, and caring!!
Dr. Zoran Lazic is a wonderful, knowledgeable dentist. Everyone was very great!
Dr. Zoran Lazic was honest with his opinion and made all adjustments to make me happy.
Dr. Zoran Lazic is the best, I love his experience, knowledge, kindness.
Great customer service and dentist Dr. Zoran Lazic take time to provide proper quality.
Dr. Zoran Lazic is the best dentist I have ever had as a dentist. All staff from arrival to departure have shown to be very professional competent and courteous
Everything has been great with Dr. Zoran Lazic and all staff. No problems best central care
I high recommend dental clinic Lazic in Belgrade and Dr Zoran Lazic. I am very satisfied with my new teeth in upper jaw. Best Regards from UK.
Very professional and attentive to details. Thank you.
This has been the best dental care i have ever received by far. The price was very affordable.
There are no stars to explain the wonderful experience i had here. i own my business and your costumer service,answering the questions and kindness is everything the patient needs.
All staff is wonderful. The doctor is very good. Love all who work here.
Thanks for the the professional service!
Had a very good experience, staff was excellent, we will be back. Thank you
Great dental facility. Clean , friendly professional staff.
Very professional, clean, friendly. I had one of the best cleanings ever and received my treatment plan.
Profesional, efficient staff, make me feel welcome and comfortable, well taken care!!
Excellent visit… i will recommend you to all
Very pleasant experience for a dental visit.
My experience was excellent and very pleasant. Everyone was great.
Very accomodating, very friendly, fast and great price.
Great service! very quick and easy to make an appointment.
I would recommend this experience to others.
Couldn't be bettet taken care of. Quality care, best technology, informative and exceptional quality
Doctor was very knowledgeable, gentle, kind and very competent
Very satisfied with the work done.
Been coming here for several years, very happy.
The doctors were very good at listening to my concerns and explaining all my options. there was no pressure for a treatment plan but rather informed me of my options and let me decide what options fit my situation. I would go back for any new work I may need in the future.
Could have not picked a better clinic very happy!
Great experience, awesome staff. I will definitely be back and will encourage my friends and family to come here!
Very professional in all areas of service. Very impressed with genuine good nature, pleasant interaction between patient and staff. Happy, fun, friendly professional office.
Excellent experience again. Very professional and kind staff who do an excellent job.
Love this place! Very friendly and helpful. My best dentist!
Unbelievably awesome! Fast, painless, amazing!
Been coming here for three years now. Two implants plus 8 crowns, all good.
This was a great experience, I will come back again. I will also tell everyone about you.
Best experience ever! I can't express how thankful I was to have such a positive dental appointment. I had such anxiety going into the appointment. My dentist not only took the time to explain everything to me, he completely put me at ease and made sure I understood what he was going to do and allowed me to ask questions that put my mind to rest.My tooth is fixed and I have no pain at all. I also must mention that the whole staff is very kind too.
Highly recommend! the services provide is a collaborative effor of all doctors. Invested working together for the best interactions with the patient.
I am happy with dental work, recommending to mall my friends 🙂
Great experience, well worth the travel and effort!
Not only was their work great, I really liked everyone from the dentist to office help.
Very thorough examination and entire clinic personnel was simply fabulous!
Great experience! Wonderful doctors! Great medical team!
I'm so happy and satisfied with the dentist and staff, thank you
Everyone was friendly and accomendating! The office was very clean. Drs were very professional & explained proceedures.
Excellent! Best dental experience I've ever had.
Very knowledgable, straight forward. Clean and modern office, easy to schedule and great location.
Love everyone in the office, so kind and patient, caring, compassionate and wonderful. Will tell my friends and family!
Very friendly staff, completely painless, very sanitary. All in all, a great experience.
Wonderful service, put you at ease. Had a lot of work done in a very short time. I was amazed at the detail and work that was accomplished. Thank you, will not be afraid of dentists ever again.
Amazing, friendly, clean, and very efficient
Great quality service, highly recommended.
Friendly, clean and very helpful. Would recommend to anyone.
Excellent! Very happy with my teeth and crowns.
Excellent dentist,pain free, great prices, clean office
Very happy with their care, staff was very friendly and really appeared to enjoy their work.
I was pretty nervous since I hadnt been to a dentist in years, but felt quite relaxed during the whole procedure!
Very pleased with everything, thank you very much.
Nice place, clean and friendly. Will recommended to my friends.
Very nice dental experience, quick and simple.
I was extremely pleased with everything!
Got me in for initial visit very fast, good explanation of procedure and follow up visit.
Very pleasant and helpful with our needs. Thank you!
Staff was very professional, great experience, definitely recommend.
Everything went smoothly. All cautious, great job.
Always a pleasant experience. Fantastic customer service and care.
The service of the doctor was excelent. I will come back here and send my relatives and friends here. Many thinks for this.
Excellent service, kind dentist. Will come back.
The best dentist I have ever had. Staff are great, helpful, friendly and knowledgable.
Very happy with my dental services!
Great service, incredible value for your time and money!
Great work, good people, thank for everything.
Very good work, prices, and very friendly.
Very professional, well organized and highly trained staff. Dental Clinic LAZIC provides world-class dentistry at an affordable price. Dr. Zoran Lazic and his team were wonderful, gracias! 5-Stars!
I had a wonderful experience. So happy that I found Dr. Zoran Lazic and other staff at Dental Clinic LAZIC.
I'm not easily impressed and I have to say Dr. Zoran Lazic impressed me. I hadn't been to the dentist in way too long and was extremely nervous.
If you are looking for a top quality dental experience then check out Dental Clinic LAZIC.
Seriously love this place! They make me feel so comfortable and Dr. Zoran Lazic is super friendly.
I loved my treatment with Dr. Zoran Lazic. He and his team are the best.
The service was incredible and my teeth are amazing!
Thank you very much!!!
I was treated with respect and felt the way they care for the patient.
Painless and result was an amazing smile.
The dentist is extremely qualified.
Im extremely happy with the results and the dentist was amazing!
Great team, amazing experience.
I feel great and truly pain free!!
I know I will always refer. Five star!
Excellent service
I could have not asked for a better experience.
Really appreciate the care and perfection on my mouth!
Very happy with a new smile and all the money saved.
Thank you very much. 5 star.
My implants feel great and I have permanent teeth again.
The reason for my visit was to get a new set of dentures which are the best denture I have ever had.
I love the dental work that was performed !
Going to this clinic has been the best decision!
Awesome work!!!
They are as good as or better that any Canadian and or American dental staff.
Very clean and very professional.
You will not fine better work!
I did not feel a thing. They took very good care of me.
I was very happy to get the smile that I always wanted!! Thank You!
Never did I feel lost, this team makes sure you understand the whole way.
It was a wonderful experience was treated with kindness, very happy with the work.
Implants were put in my mouth and I feel great. I followed the indications and I could not be happier.
I was treated like family, My smile speaks 1,000 words.
Easily this has been the best experience at a dental clinic.
I did not feel a thing, they took very good care of me, best experience by a long shot.
Probably the most honest & skilled dental staff Ive ever encountered.
I can’t thank enough to the wonderful staff!
Very friendly people, beautiful clinic and amazing work.
Great work, very clean and professional.
I really appreciate the way my father and I were treated.
Great Job, Great Service, Great Price!
My implants feel great and I have permanent teeth again.
I’m very happy I found this guys!!! Amazing experience.
I felt very safe with this professionals doing work in my mouth. Five Stars.
My experience was perfect. Fully recommend.
Fully recommend, no need to keep on looking. This guys are just amazing, perfectionists.
This team is far from being a robot, they are very caring and compassionate very rare from a dental clinic!!!
I feel great and look great that is what my teeth would say and no pain!!! Amazing job.
My crowns look so real I am impressed with the service that was given!!!
I have a amazing smile and i had a great time with the team having it done.
Everything went like clock work. Amazing experience.
Easily this has been the best experience at a dental clinic.
I cant believe how great implants actually work.
Great team, amazing experience.
Extremely gentle and focused to detail.
I was very happy to get the smile that I always wanted!! Thank You!!!
From start to end the service was amazing. The best staff!
Amazing care.
The dentist was wonderful and listened to our needs. I will be a customer for a long time!
The staff made us feel comfortable, were very professional and attentive to our needs.
I was always treated with respect and was explained all the procedure!
Very gentle care, great prices, I did not expect perfection and I’m happy I was wrong.
Could have not picked a better clinic.
My teeth look great and I can eat anything I like. Great work!!!
The staff is incredible, and the equipment state-of-the-art! Thank you!
The work was done efficiently, conscientiously, professionally.
Five star team! Fully recommend.
There was no pain but they kept asking if everything was fine. I would definitely go back there again!
Very professional and very easy to talk too. They gave me options for my teeth and the work was very good.
My teeth look amazing and I saved so much money.
Very happy with a new smile and the treatment given was amazing!
This was a very pleasant experience.
Great service, very professional, very clean and modern, very caring.
Thank you very very much!
I felt comfortable the whole time. My dentist explained everything !
Doctor and techs very patient, caring and true artists in their work.
Best dental experience I’ve ever had!
The entire staff was friendly.
I was very pleased with my procedure. My teeth look great.
It was a very nice clean place the employees were so friendly and informative.
It was a very nice clean place the employees were so friendly and informative.
The service was top notch, pain free. Very clean and nice clinic.
Absolutely THE BEST! Everything went so very smooth, and in perfect time!
I love that I had options and that the dentist was not a robot. Very personal treatment. Five stars.
Top notch experience and great dental work.
My dentures have never felt this good. Big thanks.
I can’t believe it was that fast and easy.
My smile looks great, a lot better than I expected.
I never once felt scared they told me exactly what to expect, I am truly grateful!
The service is unbeatable and there work is amazing.
Service was awesome. Very professional staff.
This experience was the best! Fully recommend.
I had an amazing experience, never did I feel rushed or pushed into any procedures, choices at a dental clinic is a new experience for me.
Thank you for bringing back my smile, I will always be a fan.
Great price and amazing dental work, perfection was reached with my smile.
Best experience, very affordable.
The experience that was provided was better than expected, fully recommend.
Everyone who works there is so nice and willing to help. You’re getting amazing service for a small price!
We found the facility very clean, extremely organized, and all personal were very professional and courteous.
Very impressed! First time there and didn’t know what to expect. Impressed with friendly staff. Definitely worth the trip!
Great experience, always very friendly, nothing negative to say about the place or staff. Always very helpful and understanding with client needs.
The one aspect that I loved is that they did not make me feel just like a another number, they gave me the attention that I deserve.
I am extremely satisfied with the worked performed. I am giving them 5 of 5 stars and I highly recommend them. I feel fantastic with my new smile, overall I smile a lot more.
Very good service, clean offices, state of art equipment and excellent staff, explained step by step the work!
I was impressed with the detailed analysis they made of my dental condition and what would have to be done to improve my dental health as well as provide me the implants I needed.
They are very easy to communicate with and it is always a pleasure to come back here.
I highly recommend Dental Clinic LAZIC for dental implants. I had 3 of my front teeth replaced and felt comfortable and confident through the entire process.
I would highly recommend Dental Clinic LAZIC I found their service to be thoroughly professional, highly efficient and reasonably priced.
Both my husband and I had implants done here. I had two and my hubby had one. The results are terrific. I literally had to ask the doctor which tooth was a crown. The color match on all three teeth was complete perfection. There was no pain or even discomfort involved. The entire process was extremely professional. I am a physician’s assistant and a very hard grader. It is hard to make me happy and I left this clinic ecstatic. Hubby is very happy too.”
One week ago I has 1 extraction and 3 implants completed. Dr. Zoran performed my surgery and I am very pleased with how the surgery went and how I feel one week later. My surgery was completed after approximately one hour with little discomfort. I was sent home with written instructions and medication for pain and swelling. I can truthfully say that by taking the medication and taking it “easy” for the next two days. I was never uncomfortable. My stitches were removed today and now I just have to wait for “nature” to take its course. GREAT JOB.
We are very satisfied with Dental Clinic LAZIC and have been returning for several years. Your service surpasses any dental office in America and we don’t hesitate to recommend your services to our friends visiting or staying in Thailand. THANKS FOR GREAT SERVICE
My family and I came in for a dental check-up and cleaning today. We came here because a friend recommended you to us. We were so pleased, we will now recommend you to our friends. The service was prompt and courteous. We really appreciate it.
I have completed several dental procedures at the Dental Clinic LAZIC I continue to come back because they offer exceptional high quality treatment with minimal waiting time. So, I highly recommend others to try the services.
I will definitely recommend Dental Clinic LAZIC to my friends and family for the professional, friendly, and first class dental work. After consulting several dental clinics from various countries, Dental Clinic LAZIC proved to be the most efficient, precise, easy to work with, helpful and affordable high quality work. The staff including administrators, assistants, and doctors, made my stay at the dental clinic very comfortable, relaxing and reassuring and I thank them greatly for their encouragement and caring.
“I have found the service and the professional standard to be one of the best I have experienced in my many years of traveling and working overseas. I would recommend your company to my workers and company for any dentistry work they may require. Best Regards,”
“Dental Clinic LAZIC Thank you for your wonderful service and dental work. You have all been so helpful, polite and reassuring. You have made the experience a very pleasant one for me. You have helped in many different ways and I am both grateful and thankful for that. I will recommend your dental clinic to people I know in Australia with great confidence. Thank you very much.”
“To all at Dental Clinic LAZIC especially Dr. Zoran for giving me back my mouth! The most painfree dental experience I have ever had.”
“Over the past few years I have regularly been coming to this surgery for my dental work. I have always been treated kindly and efficiently and the work has been wonderful, painless and beyond excellent. The staff are extremely helpful and I have no hesitation in recommending this practice to anyone looking for dental care with a smile. Thank you.”
We are very satisfied by the work carried out by the clinic. Also the dental staff have been very co-operative and professional.
Great Staff! My treatment at DENTAL CLINIC LAZIC has been first class from the moment I arrived until the moment I left. I cannot recommend them highly enough
Having just completed several stages of treatment, which included three implants, bone augmentation, and two bridges reconstruction. I was at first very skeptical about bone augmentation. At first the treatment was a little unpleasant but looking back the treatment and service was excellent with very little pain and I have no hesitation in recommending the practice both for the very best of service and medical care.
“Thank you Dental Clinic LAZIC for a very caring treatment once again, all the dentists and assistants at your surgery are very attractive and you take your time and give me time to receive good treatment. I live in Madrid and will always come to Belgrade for the best dental treatment at your surgery. Thank you and best wishes,”
Very nice staff who were very patient and understanding with my high expectations and demands. I appreciate the time they took with my relentless emails and questions. I would recommend them to anyone considering dental work.
I only have good things to say about Dental Clinic LAZIC. I will say that their biggest asset is the people. Everybody, from the people who work at the reception, the assistants and the dentists are truly professionals and before anything else excellent human beings. I will recommend Dental Clinic LAZIC to anybody who need dental care. They can be sure they are going to be in good hands.
“Three letters, WOW! Uncomplicated, uncompromised, highest quality service performed by a highly professional team. I believe that the standards here at Thantakit are rating higher than anywhere else in the world. Absolutely amazing service!”
Thank you to the dentists and staff at Dental Clinic LAZIC. I have received excellent professional services and would have no hesitation in recommending your treatments to other prospective clients. I will certainly come to Dental Clinic LAZIC again when I am in Belgrade and if I need further dental treatments. Thank you.
I recommend anyone to come to Dental Clinic LAZIC to have dental treatment as the dentists work is very superior and less expensive than in Italy.
Thanks for the great service. Hotel pick-up took all the stress of travel away. Very good facilities and service. Will be back for further treatment.”
My experience at Dental Clinic LAZIC was successful, fun, and satisfying in every way. The 3 different dentists that worked on me took lots of patience with me and explained all the procedures very well-(I am a kranky patient). I highly recommend Dental Clinic LAZIC to everyone with the slightest trepidation about dental work.”
Porcelain Crown-Bridges, Zoom2 Tooth Whitening I am very satisfied with the treatment here. The dentist and the rest of the staff are very friendly and helpful. It is really worth the price. I come back another time.
“LAZIC Dental Clinic is for me, an expat of 38 years in Serbia, the very best you could expect. A smiling reception, perfect English, and of most importance a very efficient, experienced, up to the latest standard of dental knowledge trained doctors. I can honestly and deeply recommend!”
I can highly recommend it for their excellent service and the staff and various dentists are very friendly! The work is of very high quality for very competitive price.”
When I arrived in Bangkok, my denture was in a dramatic condition: bad attachment and inferior quality caused movements of the teeth so that I couldn’t eat all the food (wished). Dr. Zoran and Dr. Vesna could solve all the problems. They placed implants and a new crown that fitted perfectly.”
2 new crowns – and very happy with them. I contacted dental clinic Lazic (and other clinics) for more information to get my teeth fixed. dental clinic Lazic were the first one to respond to my emails, moreover very accurately and detailed. They are maybe a bit more expensive but the service (giving info, pick-up service, communication) is top. The treatment went without problems, and within the limited timeframe I had in BELGRADE. And to high professional standard as far as I can judge.
Je suis satisfait du resultat et recommande cette Clinique a ceux qui, comme moi, sont presses et ont envie dun resultat efficace et durable. Merci au docteur et a son equipe.
“I attended Dr. ZORAN to have a double implant. On each occasion I attended the clinic the service that I received was of the highest professional standard from Dr. ZORAN and his staff. I would be very happy to recommend the services of Dr. ZORAN to anyone seeking similar treatment.”
I just received unexpected service as top of the range. I have lots of of appreciation for all the staff and doctors, and my best wishes to all.
“In all, I had the best service from the beginning to the end. Not to mention, Dr. ZORAN excellent professionalism. He was simply very reassuring on the day of my surgery and he did!! Thank you very much Dr. Zoran See you again in 3 months time! I know where I can get painless dental services. Cheers! With best regards, “
Fast, excellent service. Painless. Great results. Excellent facilities.
“Your service is very good. Your doctor is also gentle and give more advice to me.”
I would like to say how delighted I am with the result of the work you have done on my front teeth. Now, I finally have the Perfect Smile I have dreamed of for years. Thank you very much for all your kind efforts.”
My Goodness! With the dental work done to my teeth from Dental Clinic LAZIC, I can now smile great. They worked on my teeth so wonderfully in just a short period of time. I am so confident and proud to show everyone that you can count on Dental Clinic LAZIC to work on whatever dental problem you have with your teeth. Now I can face the world again with my confident and beautiful smile.
Havent had any problems and everybody in my surrounding is positive about the natural look and also curious about the way it works. Anyway, my aunt needs some new teeth as well, so I recommended your clinic to her. So thats why I remembered you and had to send you all, my special thank even though its been a while already. Maybe well see each other again. And thanks for everything!”
DENTAL CLINIC LAZIC dentists were very very good. They explained procedures and costs very well. Did a very good job on my dental work with a high level of technology and skill. Their clinic was exceptionally clean and procedures were very hygienic. They also have a complimentary hotel pick up service. I have no hesitation in recommending dental clinic LAZIC dentists and will happily come to them again. “
Very professional and great to deal with, highly recommended.
Very professional, careful, attentive and knowledgeable care.
It was excellent. Thank you
Great job! Thanks so much to the whole team for my new smile!
I had an implant done at Dental Clinic LAZIC. For personal reasons, I could not return to have the crown placed for over a year. Despite that, my experience was very positive. I will refer others to Dental Clinic LAZIC.
My experience was great! Very gentle and not rushed. Thank you
All around excellent experience getting 2 implants. Facility has state of the art equipment, Dr has state of the art learning and technique and staff has state of the art reception skills. Take it from a patient who has “been around the block” with dentists both in Canada and internationally, this clinic is the best that I have experienced.
You will have a wonderful dental experience in Dental Clinic LAZIC!
The facility is beautifully maintained, the equipment seems to be very modern and Dr Vesna was caring and competent.
Excellent service and staff , office is very clean and well equipped, very happy with my cavity being filled and cleaning! High quality
Our experience with Dental Clinic LAZIC is always a pleasurable one. The doctors are fantastic and the staff in so friendly and professional at the same time.
Always a good visit. dr Lazic. Is a great dentist. The entire practice is awesome!
Excellent on every respect!
Always a caring wonderful pain free appointment -Thanks Dr. Lazic really appreciate your patience and concern about my wellbeing!
Dr. Vesna did a Great job! I was unusually apprehensive about the integrity of the tooth she was working on. Dr. Vesna allayed all my fears and was very competent, caring,and meticulous in her work. Sigh…just another one to love at Dental Clinic LAZIC. Great team
Fantastic! I love the dentists and staff and prompt cheerful work!
Great service – really nice people!
I love the Dental Clinic LAZIC team! Expertise with a smile, I would say. Today was an almost two hour session with four issues to tackle. All went well. A tooth pulled and not much pain 6 hours after the event!
I found Dr. Lazzic and the entire staff to be extremely professional and efficient. My entire appointment including diagnosis & filling repair was performed in under one hour. Gracias!
Top! Great and professional service!
The best! Professional. On time. Great price. Had ten veneers done and would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Lazic and his staff. Great job!
It was an excellent experience, the appointments and reminders were very well taken care of, the receptionist very friendly and attentive. Dr. Lazic has been by far the best dentist that has attended to me. Vesna is very professional and friendly
dr Vesna is so professional, warm, and sensitive to my discomfort. My husband saw her for the first time and he was very pleased. Also the reception staff is very helpful.
Everything was perfect. Thank you.
The root canal was done painlessly and quickly. I am very satisfied with the quality of care at Dental Clinic LAZIC
Professional, Fast, Friendly, Efficient!
Fantastic dentist. Super attentive, always available to squeeze me in, and they make certain the customer is happy with the end result.
It was a difficult wisdom tooth but it came out fast and I have no discomfort after the extraction. Thank you!
All good service . Staff are friendly
Very good dentists than any other country.
Excellent Job of Dr. Lazic. The clinic is well maintained and the staff are very warm.
Dr. Lazic put implants to my jaw , made plates for me and now its good. I have teeth.
highly recommended by friends that is why I tried their services. I was so happy with the way they treated with compassion and care!
Best priced and best treatment! compared to U.S.!
Dr. VESNAis such caring and very patient to explain the procedures.
Thanks to your kindness. Very competent dentists .
My family goes here because of good services.
The price is very affordable. Thank you
Amazing dental service! Great staff.and very affordable prices.
Cost is remarkable and the quality of treatment is world class
Very nice clinic. Schedules are met right on.
Very competent dentists .. explains well of procedures . I understood the procedure before we started it.
They came highly recommended and I was all satisfied.
Crowns are of high quality. Dentists are very well skilled.
Excellent service and great staff .
I got whitening procedures and the entire time I was in the chair was not hard at all. Very comfortable under the hands of Dr. Lazic
We are all very well satisfied.
Excellent in everything.
Perfect set up. Complete dental equipments. They are comparable to any Australian clinics.
I have received the best treatment ever.
I had root canal, crowns, fillings in about 7 days only and all done perfectly. Prices are very reasonable.
My 14 caps were finished in a span of one week. Dr. Vesna is very particular to details that is why she is highly recommended.
Dr. Vesna gives her heart to what she does so it turned out to be perfect in all aspect . I had root canals and there are no pain at all.
Got nice and white smile after all the very comfortable treatment procedures. Thanks Dr. Lazic
Had my implants by Dr. Lazic and it feels good now. I may have missing teeth but Dr. Vesna replaced them with implants . they are all with crowns now and it feels great to have complete teeth again.
The quality of work and care is outstanding; my husband and I had some several procedures done for the past 2 years; we are very happy to the outcome : Thank you Dental Clinic LAZIC And Staff.
Excellent service and staff where brilliant.
Excellent service from treatment planning , they showed me options but i just followed their recommendations so the outcome was superb . .
My experience was superb. I have been to a lot of dental clinics but Dental Clinic LAZIC upscale the quality and services. All I thought my teeth are hopeless , but I had a makeover and this will really change my life . It was a long process due to a lot of treatments involved like root canals, filling but it ‘s worth it . Highly recommended !!
Made us feel great and good, the staff is great..
Very professional and quality of service and treatments are high . I had a total makeover of my teeth and had it at a fraction of a cost that you cannot imagine , if I do this is my country Poland.
Excellent,much better than UK.
Very pleased with Dr. Vesna. Very pleasant visit each time!
Very happy with the service I received. Doctor explained very clearly what the problem was. Appreciate the driver pick me up and drop off at my hotel. Thank you – excellent service and treatment.
Dental Clinic staff are very polite and professional.
The team at DENTAL CLINIC were excellent and extremely helpful and professional. I would strongly recommend them if you are in Serbia..
Very friendly, polite and gentle on your teeth! Pleased with my result!
Excellent service. Better than the UK.
Very efficient and cost-effective.
Staff was very professional and helpful both by e-mail and in-person. Dentist was friendly, knowledgeable and honest to give good advice which I appreciated very much.
I felt very comfortable with the service provided. The staff were very professional and accommodating. The dental work I had done was great quality and a reasonable price.
Dr. Vesna was very knowledgeable and helped me understand what was happening and why. I felt very comfortable with her and I will be recommending her to my friends and family.
Very professional and attentive to the needs of the patient.
I have every confident in Dr. Lazar – very happy with all the treatments and communication. Transport so easy!
Skilled hands that you can rely on. Every time I come to Dental Clinic I breathe easy and renew my smile.
Great and professional service.
Excellent! Thoroughly recommend to my friends and family in Hungary.
Excellent service every time I visit Dental Clinic.
We are really happy with our treatment and the doctor honesty.
Very professional and efficient service. Thank you Dr. Zoran and staff.
Very professional work.
Very experienced dentist. Good job!
I am very happy with your continued quality of services since many years.
Excellent in every way! Most happy with Dental Clinic Highly recommended!Lucy
Fantastic. Very well looked after. Highly recommended. Results look great so far.
The staff are all very kind, professional, and they seem to really care about the patients here.
Lovely staff + friendly environment + good work! ^^
Dr. Zoran is excellent. I’ve been coming here for two years. It is the best dentist I’ve found in Serbia.
Always happy to come here. Very good service from all, also from the reception.
Very good service, everyone happy and smiling ^^
All the staff here are so amazing and lovely. I would recommend getting dental work done here. Very friendly, very clean and very professional.
From location to how clean everything is to customer service and professionalism Dental Clinic really does great work.
I can say this is the best smile I have ever had. Real gentle dentist and what these prices truly a dream come true.
Had major work done which I’m happy I did it here everything was just so much better than I thought. Hugs and kisses.
Very impressed, fully recommend.
It was a pleasure doing business with Dental Clinic. Hollywood smile.
Good treatment and also great hospitality.
I was treated with respect and professionalism not just like another number. 5 stars.
I’m so happy with my beautiful smile.
Nice place, very clean I will be back next year.
Good people, clean, professional dentist seemed very knowledgeable
The customer service and quality is superb. The best no doubt.
I was lucky enough to get to meet this awesome people.
The Dentist at Dental Clinic are real perfectionist I could not be happier.
I like they way I was treated also how clean the clinic was. Very proffesional.
Just to say hello to you, my teeth are still good since 2005, I am sending you a lot of greetings and I advised my brother to contact you for your opinion.
It is my pleasure to recommend the dental surgery Dental Clinic.
I visited this dental surgery for the first time two years ago and since then I have had my problems with teeth solved here. To put it simply, dentists are experts and professionals.
I would like to thank the dental surgery Dental Clinic on everything.
Doctor, thank you for bringing a smile back to my face in one day. Mira, Lale, Marko, Ceca, everything would be much harder if you were not so kind.
A great team, great professionals, positive energy Stay like this. Best regards to everybody.
Gorana is an angel with a gentle hand