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Dental Clinic "GRAND DENTAL"

Zašto mi?
U GRAND DENTAL-u kvalitet je zagarantovan! Mi kreiramo Vaš novi željeni osmeh u kratkom roku. Mi smo tim međunarodnih stručnjaka koji rade u srcu Beograda. Govorimo Engleski, Italijanski, Portugalski, Španski, Norveški, Francuski i Nemački.
Budući da kontinuirano investiramo u inovacije, u mogućnosti smo primeniti sofisticirane tehnologije poslednje generacije u stomatologiji. Svim našim pacijentima nudimo usluge prema međunarodnim standardima. Pacijenti iz celog sveta traže našu stručnost za rešavanje stomatoloških slučajeva kao što su zubni implantati, kozmetička stomatologija i drugi problemi sa zubima. Od najmanjih ispuna do najzahtjevnijih kozmetičkih i estetskih stomatoloških usluga. Od jednog zubnog implantata do rekonstrukcije usta. Od parodontalne hirurgije do rutinskog održavanja. Od jednostavnog izbeljivanja zuba do porcelanskih faseta i keramičkih krunica.
Izuzetna kombinovana ekspertiza i decenije napredne obuke naših stručnjaka koji usko sarađuju kao tim, uz kontinuiranu interakciju i konsultacije, omogućavaju nam da pružimo visok nivo brige o pacijentu i lečenja. To su samo neke od mnogih prednosti i snaga koje nas izdvajaju od konvencionalnih stomatoloških praksi. Naši stomatološki stručnjaci su takođe predani stomatološki edukatori, podučavajući druge stomatologe na univerzitetima i bolnicama, provodeći istraživačke studije i pišući članke i knjige koje značajno unapređuju nauku i umetnost stomatologije. Za nas ne postoje nerešivi slučajevi, parcijalna rešenja i kompromisi.
Naši pacijenti su uvek prioritet. Kada vam ponudimo tretman, uzmemo u obzir Vaše želje. Mi smo tu za vas, da vam objasnimo sve dostupne opcije i njihove cene, bilo da su to cene zubnih implanta ili neke druge intervencije, tako da možete napraviti najbolji izbor. Uvek ćete znati šta radimo. Tokom celog tretmana, ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, članovi našeg tima će Vam sa zadovoljstvom sve objasniti kako biste se osećali potpuno udobno.
E-mejl komunikacija preko dugmeta KONTAKTIRAJTE KLINIKU je najlakši način da kontaktirate naš tim. U mejlu treba da opišite Vaš problem, Vaše želje, planove i pitate sve što Vas interesuje vezano za proceduru. Bilo bi dobro da nam pošaljete i Vaš zubni X-ray snimak obe vilice (nije obavezno) tako da možemo imati bolji uvid u Vašu strukturu kosti i zube. Nakon detaljne analize naš tim će Vam poslati detaljan plan tretmana i prezentovati sve opcije (ako postoji više opcija). Bićete upoznati sa celom procedurom, koje intervencije se rade, trajanje, koliko puta je potrebno da dođete i naravno preciznu cenu procedure.
Kada sklopimo dogovor, datum dolaska je na Vama. Mi ćemo se truditi da Vam boravak bude ugodan, a dentalne procedure potpuno bezbolne. Za strane državljane koji imaju osiguranje koje pokriva dentalne procedure mi dajemo račun naših usluga tako da pacijent može da izvrši povraćaj novca u svojoj zemlji. Takođe izdajemo medicinski izveštaj sa kojim pacijent može da pravda odsustvo sa posla.
Pre – Posle

Video utisci naših klijenata
Paul - Germany
Jil - France
Monica - Italy
Giulia - Italy
Michael - Switzerland
Artur - Germany
Thierry - France
John - UK
Jovan - Austria
Diana - Sweden
Marion - UK
Leon - Austria
David - UK
Marc Szuba - France
Paolo - Italy
Marco - Italy
Giulia - Italy
Elizabeth - UK
Dragana - Švajcarska
Roberto - Italy
Stefan - Australia
Samantha - London, UK
Danilo - Palermo, Italia
Maria - Milano, Italia
Kalenik Maja - Hrvatska
Celeby Yildiz - Germany
Marie Bea - USA
Heidi - Helsinki, Finland
Kontaktirajte nas i dobićete besplatan personalizovani plan tretmana i ponudu.
Implanti | Cene | Potrebno Vreme (dani) |
Konsultacije i Ponuda | 0€ | 1 |
Implanti (Neodent) | 390€ | 2 - 3 |
Implanti (Isomed) | 390€ | 2 - 3 |
Implanti (Straumann) | 590€ | 2 - 3 |
All on 4 Implanti | 2250€ | 2 - 3 |
All on 6 Implanti | 2750€ | 2 - 3 |
Augmentacija Kosti | 250€ | 1 |
Sinus Lift | 800€ | 1 |
Krunice/Fasete | Cene | Potrebno Vreme (dani) |
Cirkonijum Krunice | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Bezmetalne Keramičke Krunice | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Metalo – Keramičke Krunice | 200€ | 5 - 7 |
Privremene Krunice | 25€ | 5 - 7 |
Bezmetalne Keramičke Krunice na Implantima | 250€ | 5 - 7 |
Metalo – Keramičke Krunice na Implantima | 200€ | 5 - 7 |
Fasete/Viniri (Keramički, Porcelanski) | 250€ | 4 - 7 |
No Prep Viniri | 350€ | 4 - 7 |
Kompozitne Fasete | 100€ | 1 - 2 |
Proteze | Cene | Potrebno Vreme (dani) |
Akrilna Proteza (parcijalna, totalna) | 200€ | 4 - 5 |
Parcijalna Skeletna Proteza | 400€ | 4 - 5 |
Proteza (parcijalna, totalna) sa metalnom bazom | 300€ | 4 - 5 |
Mobilne Proteze | 250€ | 4 - 5 |
Fiksne Proteze | 650€ | 4 - 5 |
Fiksne Kozmetičke Proteze | 1000€ | 4 - 5 |
Folije za Ispravljanje | 120€ | 4 - 5 |
Ostali Tretmani | Cene | Potrebno Vreme (dani) |
Kućno Beljenje | 250€ | 1 |
Ordinacijsko Beljenje | 250€ | 1 |
Kompozitne Plombe | 30€ | 1 |
Inlay/Onlay | 130€ | 4 - 7 |
Bazično Vađenje | 30€ | 1 |
Hirurško Vađenje | 100€ | 1 |
Endodontski Tretman | 35€ | 1 |
Pleasant experience with a very welcoming and majority female staff. The procedure was done smoothly and pain-free. Good hygiene. Modern facilities. No complaints. Very professional, excellent treatment in the Best conditions possible. They inspired total confidence
Truly a tranquil experience at all times, with a high-level professional team
Brilliant staff really welcoming and friendly was very happy with the results A clean and professional job well done
Life changing, thank you so much
Very satisfied with my new smile
Everything went great!
I had a good experience at the dentist and great service and I want to thank
The staff was friendly and I got good results. I was very well looked after at the clinic
An excellent experience overall
Absolutely incredible. I'm amazed at the care and experience of the staff – couldn't recommend them highly enough.
I would recommend this place to anyone who would have significant dental treatment to do. Came back in France with healthy, aesthetic and efficient teeth !
I am very satisfied with the support, the quality of the treatment, and the attention that I have received from everyone that I met at the clinic. My case is relatively more complicated but the staff makes a good job , hope just i could go back for more
I would just like to thank you and all the team as Ive had an amazing life changing smile. Thank you so much. Also my dentist was amazing
Id like to inform you that one week after the crowns were placed, everything is fine and I can now use my teeth just like my own. This makes me very happy. I really appreciate your clinic, especially the staff for the perfect work and their human qualities.
The treatment was going good and the medical staff as well as the coordinators were very friendly and extremely competent at the same time
Everything is going good with my dental implants, no pain, I am very happy.
Im now back to France and I wanted to tell you how much I was grateful to the whole team for the welcoming, the quality of dental work and for their conviviality.
I wanted to let you know that I was very satisfied with my first stay from the welcoming staff to the organisation and the competences of the dentists as well as their reliability. Im coming back with confidence.
My treatment is complete and I am flying home this morning. I would like to commend the doctor and all of his dental technicians for the excellent professionalism. They did a fantastic job!
Thanks again for the quick and excellent service your clinic provides the staff are tremendous
It was a perfect experience Id like to take this opportunity to express my respect again towards you and to all the medical staff at your clinic. It was a perfect experience.
I am really satisfied with my treatment at the clinic. Everything turned out perfect: from the welcoming attitude of the staff to the actual medical treatment received.
The dentist did a very good job, you will thank her. Thank you for your professionalism. I let everyone around me know about the clinic and its excellent qualities.
Perfect!!! Nothing to say!!!! Very professional dental care and impeccable follow-up. I recommend this clinic Complete and very detailed information, precise explanations and very professional work. Follow up on the return trip. Thanks to all the team for your kindness and hospitality.
An excellent experience overall Absolutely incredible. Im amazed at the care and experience of the staff couldnt recommend them highly enough.
Many thanks You have been very helpful and main reason I decided to pick your company is cause of your professionalism.
An excellent experience overall Pleasant experience with a very welcoming and majority female staff. The procedure was done smoothly and pain-free. Good hygiene. Modern facilities. No complaints.
Extremely pleased with the service I am extremely pleased with the service received. It was a trip very well worth it. The dentist is amazing and I highly recommend her.
Good service and excellent care, facilities and treatment. I was happy with the whole experience.
Impressed with the dentistry The clinic was professional and welcoming, I am impressed with the dentistry.
The highest standard . This has been the highest standard I have experienced so far with a dentist.
My wife and I are very satisfied with the treatment, the consultation, the whole team and the service. It was a different kind of experience at all times. We would do it again at any time! Thanks to ALL! 🙂
Pretty satisfied in general.
I am very impressed with how clean this office is.
Always kind and professional. My family and I have been going to this clinic since 2015.
They are super friendly and professional.
The staff and doc are amazing people. Won't go anywhere else! They are nice, personable, and explain everything clearly.
The doctor and staff are truly dedicated to their profession and clients.
What a great experience, the whole staff have been so accommodating as well as extremely professional.
Awesome customer service!
My teeth has improved and I can definitively feel the difference! Great job and I highly recommend it!
Great experience!
Thanks for making my smile nice again.
Very good experience with dentist Excellent quality in zirconia crowns.
They are so clean, cool and friendly that not only do you almost forget why you're there but you hold no grudges on your way out. Good work, y'all
Very friendly and professional staff.
The staff at front desk welcomed me so warmly knowing it was my first time there.
They are so organized and helpful!
Fantastic staff and location
The customer service in this office is outstanding
It was the best experience ever
Very convenient and friendly place
I had a very good experience. I would highly recommend to anyone.
I'm so glad I found this place!
Easy to book, skilled work, friendly and reasonably priced
Best dental experience that I've had in a long time.
Great service, great staff, everything was self explanatory.
The appointment was quick and painless.
Very caring and friendly
Very professional and knowledgable!
Absolutely amazing staff!
My teeth look amazing and completly natural
5 stars, what great service and many jobs well done.
The staff was warm and friendly
Absolutely fantastic experience
Very professional and super friendly staff
This place is amazing staff and doctors.
Great people, great service, never had a bad experience here honestly.
I had a great experience here!
The staff and facilities are equally impressive.
Great dentist. Flexible and nice with a high end feel office staff is super pleasant.
If you want personalized service and a denitst that caves, this is the place to go
This dentist practice is a pleasure and reflects quality across the board.
This is one of the best dentist I have ever been to.
Honestly, I'd give this place 10 stars if I could.
Excellent service + staff very friendly and helpful.
Very friendly and professional!
Very happy with my experience, very patient and kind. I will recommend to my friends and family.
The staff were professional, kind polite. They we're able to explain in an easy to understand way. They worked very well.
Got full mouth implants. It has been very well. Love my teeth!
All went well, please with service.
Super fast, good customer service effective & great after care.
Thank you for the quality of service and your patience!
We had a very good dental visit with great dentists and assistants.
Very nice people, great service. Way cheaper cost than competition.
The dentist that fit my crowns was patient, friendly, and gentle giant.
Great communication. Very happy with overall experieance.
Good experience, gentle and kind.
My experience was very particular with his work or preparing me. He was very considerate of my comfort. The doctor who did my implants was very calm and efficient.
My experience with them has been positive.
The best dentist I have ever had.
these guys are great
Very recommendable with a professial atmosphere
My dentist did a good job. No pain at all. Feel comfortable the procedure. Thanks 🙂
The best ever in my Life! Highly recommend!
Very good service, good people
I had a great visit here. Had an issue with a broken tooth in my denture. This was fixed and service was fantastic. Our family will come back in the future
Very good service, easy appointment
Fast, as painless as a dental procedure could be, all at a great price!
Always great service, fast economica, friendly and clean.
Good service, nice people, comfortable, clean, good to understand
Dental work is very well done, it looks terrific.
Absolutely the best!
Best dental experience I've had that was not bad. Very pleased.
Everything was done expertly and I am happy I came here.
Everything was great. Walked in and got taken care right away! All good now!
The best place for dental care. Very affordable prices.
The best … all are very professional.
It is a very clean place, everything is very orderly, they follow the safety protocol for the prevention of illnesses.
The entire team is very friendly and always aware of your needs.
100% recommended … the best place for your dental treatments.
It is a very complete clinic with everything you need to have healthy teeth.
The best place for my teeth … the best service at a great cost.
Very good attention and service.
Excellent dental clinic, dentists are very professional.
The best dental service and clean, you feel safe to attend.
Always attentive and helpful, the entire team is magnificent.
I liked everything, the dentist was very responsive, did everything as quickly and painlessly as possible. In general, I recommend!
I'm very satisfied with my 6 zirconium crowns, very excellent fit and good quality of service.
They are all very friendly and always help you with what you need.
Amazing place for dental services!
My best decision is to visit you for my dental treatment.
I was pretty nervous since I hadnt been to a dentist in years, but felt quite relaxed during the whole procedure!
Nice place, clean and friendly. Will recommended to my friends.
Nice place, clean and friendly. Will recommended to my friends.
Very pleased with everything, thank you very much.
I was extremely pleased with everything!
Very nice dental experience, quick and simple.
Excellent work, excellent quality.
Great service & hospitality.
Got me in for initial visit very fast, good explanation of procedure and follow up visit.
Everything went smoothly. All cautious, great job.
Really liked this place.
Staff was very professional, great experience, definitely recommend.
Always a pleasant experience. Fantastic customer service and care.
Very happy with my dental services!
The best dentist I have ever had. Staff are great, helpful, friendly and knowledgable.
Excellent service, kind dentist. Will come back.
Great service, incredible value for your time and money!
Great work, good people, thank for everything.
I will recommend you to everyone. Well done 🙂
Simply AMAZING in every way.
Totally satisfied, will be back in the future.
Awesome experience!
Great staff, fair pricing, very happy with the service
Everything was good, thanks a lot!
Really nice professional group.
They are simply the best dentists.
Highly recommend.
Best service ever.
Very good thanks for your service.
Nice place and nice people work there.
Everything was great you the BEST thanks
Very professional staff. Very friendly, caring and helpful. I had very pleasant experience and quality job done.Everythingvwas done in a time frame that was promised! Would Highly recomend that office to all of my friends, family and even strangers. Thank you to all staff .
Great place to have your dental work done. Great staff and reasonable prices.
Everyone was very nice. The dental work was as good as I could of received in my home state. Very professional staff and I would return for more work. The price was reasonable also. Thank you for making my dental experience very good
Very clean dental office and the staff very helpful.
Great office and staff.
Wonderful place, definetely I recommend.
Great dentists and affordable prices.
Everything excellent, doctors, facilities, staff.
Highly professional, friendly. English speaking. NO PAIN EVER! Very accommodating.
Very professional on top of all procedures and at the same time friendly with family like atmosphere especially after you have been there a couple of times. When Im there Im greeted with a smile I feel like Im part of the family.
Excellent doctors and staff.
Wonderful facilities, great people working there.
Excided all of my expectations. Staff is very helpful and friendly.
Great office, friendly staff, professional Dentist
Professional staff, state of the art technology, up-to-date on all the newest methods. They are welcoming and the place is impeccable. The doctors are very precise and very picky about the work that they do.
The service was great! A very friendly place to be! They were on time! My crowns were ready when they said they would be! Im very happy!
The entire staff – from receptionist to hygienists to doctors. They are great with time management.
Fast, professional and friendly.
Great dentist great care. Highly recommended!
The best service ever.
This place is super nice with friendly people! They do amazing work and make aure its done perfect. Would recommend going here 100%!
100 % Recommend
I will return in the future.
I'll refer all my friends to you.
Very good service!!
Great staff! Excellent work.
Very clean, professional and very detailed. getting ready for the implant!
This is the second year I have had dental work done here. The service and work is excellent. I recommend them to people who need work.
I really had a great experience here. They know what they are doing. We will definitely come back.
Always make sure that I'm satisfied
Great people, great service.
Very pleased with the service.
Excellent service, thank you
Very glad I chose this clinic. Plan on returning for more dental work.
I will recommend this to my friends and acquaintances.
Fast. Clean. Easy to find. Honest. Would come again!
Everything was great!
Friendly, professional. A very good experience. I will finish the first faze tomorrow.
Very satisfied with the work and the price.
Best dental appointment I have ever had, including my dentist in the USA.
Satisfied with the process. Friendly atmosphere. Exceeded expectations.
Simply Dental was an excellent and very pleasant experience. Very good work and very nice people. Dr. Roberto Conte is great
Painless quality work very clean installation replaced all old crowns with zirconia very happy with the result very happy with price
Great work by smart, friendly and honest professionals. And at a fraction of the cost. Most importantly, I trust the quality provided in a clean and welcoming environment.
Amazing service!
I couldn't be more pleased with the process and the result. Bravo!
Excellent, painless, professional, affordable, responsive dentists
I can't thank these people enough for their skill and compassion. I fly in for care from across the continent, and the trip is 100% worth it.
I can't express enough how pleased I am with Dental Cross! The specialists, assistants, receptionists and office staff are the best in the business.
Great office, friendly staff, professional Dentist
Service was great! A very friendly place to be! They were on time! My crowns were ready when they said they would be! Im very happy!
Everything went very well everyone was very helpful and very nice I have had a wonderful experience.
The staff is so kind, patient, and respectful. I love going here.
Great dentist great care. Highly recommended!
This place is super nice with friendly people! They do amazing work and make sure its done perfectly. Would recommend going here 100%!
I'll refer all my friends to you.
Great staff! Excellent work.
This is the second year I have had dental work done here. The service and work are excellent. I recommend them to people who need work.
I really had a great experience here. They know what they are doing. We will definitely come back.
All the staff was very friendly and helpful. The dentist explained everything and told me all the options. Very reasonable prices.
They were very nice and clean, a good experience.
Love it. Very nice people.
Great people, great service.
Very pleased with the service.
Excellent service, thank yuo.
Very glad I chose this clinic. Plan on returning for more dental work.
I will recommend this to my friends and acquaintances.
Fast. Clean. Easy to find. Honest. Would come again!
Everything was great!
Very satisfied with the work and the price.
Recommended by my son-in-law, really loved it.
Satisfied with the process. Friendly atmosphere. Exceeded expectations.
Painless quality work very clean installation replaced all old crowns with zirconia very happy with the result very happy with the price.
Great work by smart, friendly and honest professionals. And at a fraction of the cost. Most importantly, I trust the quality provided in a clean and welcoming environment.
Amazing service!
I couldn't be more pleased with the process and the result. Bravo!
Excellent, painless, professional, affordable, responsive dentists!
The best place for dental care. Very affordable prices.
It is a very clean place, everything is very orderly, they follow the safety protocol for the prevention of illnesses.
The entire team is very friendly and always aware of your needs.
It is a very complete clinic with everything you need to have healthy teeth.
The best place for my teeth … the best service at a great cost.
Very good attention and service.
Excellent dental clinic, dentists are very professional.
The best dental service and clean, you feel safe to attend.
Always attentive and helpful, the entire team is magnificent.
Nice clinic and pricing. For sure I´ll be back for treatment.
They are all very friendly and always help you with what you need.
My best decision is to visit you for my dental treatment.
100 % recommended.
The dentist's there are very good and give a thorough explanation of their services!! So much more affordable than the dentists here!! Thanks for all the great work!!
The best ever in my Life! Highly recommend!
Very good service, good people
I had a great visit here. Had an issue with a broken tooth in my denture. This was fixed and service was fantastic. Our family will come back in the future
Absolutely love this office. Professional, attentive, and great work. Completely satisfied for over 3 years.
Fast, as painless as a dental procedure could be, all at a great price!
Good service, nice people, comfortable, clean, good to understand
Dental work is very well done, it looks terrific.
Great job.
The best dental experience I've had that was not bad. Very pleased.
I had a positive experience. The staff was professional and courteous. I ahd a lot of walk done and we were finished in a few days. I would recoomend them, specially if you need a lot of work done. Time + affordable
Everything was done expertly and I am happy I came here.
Very good clinic and nice employees with professional attitudes
Nice people, good service.
The whole staff is very efficient, friendly and compassionate. Dr. Roberto Conte did a superb job, I am very pleased!
Dr. Roberto Conte really takes his time and explains things as he goes. I specifically ask for him when I come here.
Dr. Roberto Conte was highly professional, the patient provided explanations for every step of the procedure. He has excellent attention to dental, soft hands, and is only happy with perfection.
The whole staff Dental Cross is very professional. I love Dr. Roberto Conte, very happy with his work.
Dr. Roberto Conte is excellent!
Very Knowledgeable Staff. Dr. Roberto Conte and Dr Renea Gajic were excellent.
Very Knowledgeable Staff. Dr. Roberto Conte and Dr Renea Gajic were excellent.
Very Knowledgeable Staff. Dr. Roberto Conte and Dr Renea Gajic were excellent.
Dr. Roberto Conte was exceptional, quality work!
They made my dream come true. Hollywood smile
Lavoro perfetto
Svaka cast vie nego zadovoljan
Savreno je ispalo Svaka cast
I did a major dental work. Full mouth implants and crowns. Everything was perfect from the beginning till the end of therapy. Amazing people and great doctors. Very happy and great full.
I did a major dental work. Full mouth implants and crowns. Everything was perfect from the beginning till the end of therapy. Amazing people and great doctors. Very happy and great full.
I did a major dental work. Full mouth implants and crowns. Everything was perfect from the beginning till the end of therapy. Amazing people and great doctors. Very happy and great full.
Odli?ni. Svaka preporuka
Najbolji sa najboljom cenom
Promenili ste mi ivot. Hvala na svemu
Awesome work
Kvalitetno i profesionalno Srda?an pozdrav
5 plus
Komplet sve gore i dole
Savren hollywood osmeh. Ono sto su obe?ali to su i ispunili Hvala veliko
Greatest Doctors in Belgrade
Vratili ste mi osmeh na lice Veliki pozdrav
Tout parfait. Fantastique
Odli?no sve ?isto efikasno i profesionalno Pozdrav
Changed my life forever. I finally can smile again. Best love for all the staff
Definitivno najbolji
Best best with amazing staff
Honest, great quality providing a friendly dentist.
I really like this dentist, I highly recommend. The staff is friendly and also the dentist is super clean.
Everyone is genuinely passionate and cares about you and it shows well.
Excellent dental office! So incredibly nice and informative!
Always pleasant, great staff these guys make me enjoy going to the dentist.
This is seriously the best dentist I've ever been to!
From start to finish I genuinely felt like they cared for me and took care of my needs.
Excellent friendly, efficient staff.
I was amazed from the beginning to the end!
Love this dental office, staff is nice and friendly. The place is really clean, definitely great!
I can't say enough good things about this clinic!
Everyone there is always so friendly and professional.
This has been my favorite dental office. The staff was really nice and made me really comfortable.
Very professional, friendly people, kind staff. They helped me feel at ease and comfortable. I would highly recommend their dental care services.
Very good work, the dentist was awesome and communication excellent. Prices were reasonable, worth checking out. Great experience.
I had a very positive experience with this clinic.
First time coming to this dental office and had 3 implants. So far, so good.
They are always optimistic, friendly, and helpful.
I had extensive work done, including 6 implants. Highly recommended.
Very good work and fast, painless.
Outstanding experience, the doctor and staff was very welcoming and warm.
Today was my second visit and I am very pleased with how my appointment went. My teeth feel squeaky clean!
Awesome place I have to say. Went to get an implant and they did great.
Everyone on the staff is very friendly and clearly enjoy their work.
Since the moment I came, I have felt extremely welcomed and cared for.
Super friendly people, very accomodating and relaxing to work with.
This is truly the best dentist office I have ever been to. Every single person that works there us warm and welcoming.
Dentist take pride in their work, great care.
Had all my teeth crowned by zirconia crowns due to my grinding and I love how natural they look.
This office is very professional and they do a good job.
Good customer service. Dental equipment and skills level are high.
Very professional and well qualified staff.
Talk about incredible customer service, state of the art equipment.
This office is very professional and they do a good job.
Good customer service. Dental equipment and skills level are high.
Very professional and well qualified staff.
This office has always been so friendly and knowledgeable.
This was an incredibly professional and streamlined experience. Each pedal who attended to me was extremely skilled and precise. I was blown away by the level of skill and cost! I have a phenomenal new smile!
Quality is tough the roof! Best Dental Clinic.
The best Dental experience!
Very happy with the prompt, friendly service. Office was very clean
Everything went perfect, great Doctor and wonderful staff!
I liked the profesionalism of the staff..
very professional , friendly . Happy and satisfied with service.
Fast Service,Good quality work,professional highly recommend
Excellent staff,very nice and on time assitants,and doctors. I am very happy with the results,will recommend to all my friends.
Staff was polite and welcoming, are knowdageable and pampt, i would reccomend their office to anyone looking for a great dentist.
Excellent Service-very nice stay and great dentist
My experience was excellent.will be back to do other side with same dentist, great all around experience
I am happy with the services and quality of work.
Great People and great service . Thank you! i will be back again and tell my friends!!
Excellent patient care!!
I done 12 implants, amazing work. Thank you again dental cross team!
Anche noi ci siamo trovati benissimo saluti a tutti
Sono contentissimo è fantastico siete stati bravissimi ciao ciao a tutto lo staff
Grande persona assieme a tutti i collaboratori bravissimi ciao a presto
E vero complimenti a tutto lo staff
un equipe fantastica!!!!!!!!
Siete grande verramente di grande serreita e onesti
I migliori x serietà e professionalità bravi tutto lo staff
Dottori e infermieri meravigliosi e competenti.la mia famiglia ?baci a tutti .alla prossima
ottimo personale,ottima ospitalità,ottima professionalità..grazie di tutto a tutto lo staff..
Bravissimi ,preparati ,affidabili, uno staff cordiale simpatici e soprattutto umani …sembra di conoscervi da tanto …
Amazing professional staff, the doctors were so nice and thoughtful
clinica e staff veramente straordinario tutto il resto è superfluo.
Lo consiglio perché a parte essere bravi nel lavoro, lavorano con il cuore, staff gentile è il dottore Roberto grande umanità si preoccupa del paziente in primia grazie a loro posso di nuovo sorridere.
Sono contentissimo di questa esperienza nella clinica Dentalcross. Un staff preparato, accogliente e professionale, iniziando dal Dott. Conte . Un lavoro fatto in poco tempo, senza dolore e con prezzi davvero ragionevoli. Belgrada è proprio una bella città e la gente davvero accoglienti. Raccomando a clinica a tutti quelli che vogliono avere un bell sorriso.
Im so proud of my new teeth that I can t stop smiling
Serietà, simpatia e gentilezza …molto organizzato , caso mai insorge qualche problema , sono sempre a disposizione …ciao dottore , saluto a tutti voi .
staff spettacolare lo consiglio a tutti, dottoressa Rene persona gentile ed umile un uomo con un grande cuore ti fa sentire a tuo agio ,secondo me e il TOP dei dentisti a Belgrado
Quando professionalità, competenza e passione contribuiscono a rendere un centro di grande eccellenza. Il dottor Boyan è il top nel settore, la, sua equipe competitiva e preparata, lo studio e le tecnologie all'avanguardia. Lo consiglio a tutti… ?
Sono i più bravi e competenti per me i migliori il top in assoluto Ho trovato gentilezza cortesia e tanta tanta professionalità
Loved the clinic, the medical staff was amazing and the city is gorgeous
Professionali, bravissimi e soprattutto umani
I migliori dentisti che abbia mai conosciuto in tutta la mia vita, molto professionali, preparatissimi, attrezzatura allavanguardia più elevata che si trova in pochissimi studi Italiani e sopratutto RISOLUTIVI. Grazie di cuore
Sono dei veri professionisti, lavorano con il cuore, ed è una grande famiglia. Il top ti sanno consigliare le soluzioni migliori andando così incontro al cliente e rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo.
The Doctors of this Clinic fixed totally all my teeth and now I can finally have a normal and healthy life
tornato oggi a casa , super soddisfatto, lavoro ottimo massima cordialita da parte di tutto lo staff .
lavoro di gruppo. molto gentili. bravissimi e sopratutto prezzi accessibili rispetto ai nostri in Italia.
Thank you so much for giving me back my confidence with my new and perfect smile
Buonasera Dentalcross, ho risparmiato tanti soldi. Lavoro perfetto, lalbergo perfetto tutto perfetto. Sono contentissima bacione a tutti
Wonderful organization, everything was exactly like I expected and as it was told to me by the Doctors
Grazie Dentalcross Tutto vero, dottori bravi italiani
Denti fissi in ceramica. Mi ano risolto tutto. Grazie saluti
Perfect ceramic all on 6, I m very happy
Perfect Hollywood Smile!
Sve sam kompletno namestio. I gore i dole Odli?na ordinacija i ljubazni doktori
Amazing job. Love the experience in Belgrade. Thank you all
Tutto perfetto. Grazie mille
Fantastic job
Hvala na svemu. Najbolji ste, puno pozdrava za moje doktore.
Lavoro magnifico. Grazie dottore Conte e tutto lo staff Dentalcros tanti saluti Damiano
Merci, tout parfait
Full experience Grateful for everything see you again my friends
Potpuno novi osmeh! Hvalaaaaaa 🙂 :*
Amazing work. Best wishes for the team
We both wanted to say thank you all for the way you handled our treatments, we felt very confident in the doctors hands and the work was done with professionalism.
Ho risparmiato più del 70% rispetto al prezzo in Italia. Tutto lo staff parla italiano, il chirurgo è il grande professores Roberto Conte. Grazie a tutti per aver risolto il mio caso. Ora vado a mangiare la mia bistecca. Ciao
Very happy with the job done, very professional staff and helpful.
Veliko hvala i pozdrav za mog doktora Bojana
They resolved my case with 8 implants on each jaw and 24 ceramic crowns. My therapy was divided in two steps. First step was surgical and second step was for final prosthetic work. They organized everything for me, driver, hotel, free time to visit the city. Amazing overall experience. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to find dentalcros on this page as they really represent at best the meaning of All Inclusive Dental Work. Best wishes for all the staff and a huge Thank You.
Buonasera. Volevo condividere la mia meravigliosa esperienza alla Clinica DentalCross. Hanno realizzato 24 capsule di zirconio. Il risultato è esattamente quello che ho sempre voluto. Lo consiglio a tutti. Grazie ciao
Merci beaucoup Dental Cross. Mon mari est le prochain !
odli?an rad odli?an rezultat. Hvala Dentalcros a posebno jedno veliko hvala Dr Renei Pozdrav iz ?ikaga
Veoma profesionalni, ljubazni i strucni. Zahvaljujem Dental Cross timu na mom novom osmehu. Veliki pozdrav
Nunca imaginei em Belgrado fazer um tratamento com médicos que falam português. Muito obrigado por tudo. Foram impecáveis. Os dentes são espetaculares. Fiz o tratamento Hollywood Smile, facetas. Não consigo para de sorrir.
Perfekte Arbeit. Sehr saubere Klinik, nette und engagierte Leute. Vielen Dank an alle Mitglieder des Dental Cross Teams.
Il dottor Conte è stato in grado di risolvere ciò che nessun altro è stato in grado di risolvere. Ho fatto il trattamento All on 4 superiore e inferiore. Trattamento completamente indolore e veloce. Oggi, grazie a Dental Cross, per me è iniziata una nuova vita.
Un'esperienza meravigliosa. Dopo quattro anni senza denti, tutti dicevano che era impossibile risolvere il mio caso. Finalmente posso mangiare e sorridere. Grazie a tutto lo staff Dental Cross. Raccomando questa clinica a tutti. Massima qualità. Grazie mille per tutto.
Fantastic service and friendly staff
Great service!!!
I am very satisfied with my new smile. Definitely recommend to all of my friends and family.
Great service.
Thank you for your professionalism and friendliness.
I got a great service and best quality of work.
Thank you to dentist and the team. I love my smile now.
The work here is better than good. Excellent!
Fantastic clinic. I got a great experience here.
Great dental work. Nice staff.
Very happy with my new crown. Your care and attention to detail was fantastic. Thank you.
Perfect result with high quality, painless and reasonable. Nothing to request more. Thank you
Very happy with treatment. Staff friendly and easy to deal with.
I am very satisfied with result and service. Thank you.
Very pleased with treatment and result.
The wonderful treatment was painless and gave me an amazing result. Thank you.
I extremely happy with my new smile. Thank you.
The service is very good. The treatment is painless. And the price is much cheaper than my hometown. Thank you
The service and treatment was awesome. Thank you.
Fast and easy. Strongly recommend.
Great service. The treatment was very quick and painless. Dentist was very professional and caring. Staff are friendly and helpful. Thank you.
I am very comfortable here like I stay at my home because all staff are so friendly and make me feel relax. Moreover the result is perfect with reasonable price. I will recommend to all my friends and family to have done dental work here.
This is the best clinic I have ever been. Everyone are helpful and friendly. Especially dentist is very professional. Thank you.
I am very satisfied with treatment and result. Thank you.
I had 16 crowns and 4 veneers and although the process was long both the dentist and her staff did their best to ensure I was feeling okay and comfortable at all time. If you need miror adjustments at the end, they are happy to help change what conern you.
Staff are very friendly and nice.
Thank you very much for my new smile.
Excellent dental work, I will recommend Dental cross to all my family and my friends.
The best dental clinic I ever been.
Fabulous dentist, better and more attentive than I have experienced in Australia and half the cost! I had a check up, clean and 5 fillings.
Thank you to both dentist and all staff for your professional, friendly, caring and helpful. I am very pleased with amazing result. Thank you again. I am very pleased with everything. Thank you.
Brilliant work with painless and reasonable price.
The staff were very friendly, caring and helpful. Dentist and assistant were also friendly and professional. And the result was perfect. Thank you to all staff, dentist and assistant.
Thank you so much for my new smile. Dentist and all staff are very professional and friendly. I will recommend you to others who need dental work done to come to you.
Thank you so much for bringig my smile back!
Best clinic, I am impressed all staff including dentist, assistant and reception staff. They are so professional, friendly and helpful. Defiitly come back and have no hesitate to recommend Dental Cross to everyone.
Thank you for the great result. Wish you all the best.
Doctor worked efficiently, quickly and accurately. The staff were friendly and helpful. This is the best clinic for me. Thank you
It is the best clinic I have ever been. The dentist is very professional and caring. The staff are friendly and helpful.
Service was great and Treatment was painless with reasonable. This is the best clinic for me. Thank you Dental Cross.
I am very happy with the result. Thank you so much. 🙂
Excellent staff, Great service, Best result. I am very impressed. Thank you so much.
This is the best clinic I have ever been. Everything is great. The treatment is quick and painless. Staff are friendly and polite. I will recommend to my friends and family.
Very professional and excellent job. Such a quick turnaround. Will be going back again very soon hopefully. Very happy with the work I had done
Amazing Clinic. All staff are polite, friendly, helpful and caring. Overall is excellent.
Brilliant, Professional, Caring and nice people here. Thank you Dental Cross.
I was absolutely terrified about going to the dentist in Australia let alone in Serbia! But I bit the bullet & made an appointment they are kind considerate, I had a deep clean & the treatment was amazing, they were caring as I was very scared, going back today to get some fillings done! More confident than I was yesterday!
Thank you!!!
Very professional efficient and friendly staff
I had 12 off my front teeth filled with crowns. The dentist was very professional and I am very happy with the results. I can’t stop smiling!!
very good recommend to friends if i have more dental work to be done will return
In March 2017 I had extensive dental work which consisted of extractions, root canals, bridge work on upper and lower jaws, crowns and an upper plate made, I am so pleased with end result… I love my new smile. I thank and have the upmost repect for the whole team from Dental Cross Clinic for being so warm and pleasant and professional I fully recommend them 100% fantastic people.
Excellent dental work!! Nice people.
Thank you so much I absolutely love my new smile
I am very impressed. The dentist, assistant and all staff are professional, friendly, caring and helpful. I have no hesitate to recommend Sea Smile to all of my friends and my family. I definitely come back to your clinic again. Thank you so much.
Once again, outstanding service and staff
Awesome service and such friendly and helpful staff.
Amazing! Very happy with the work!
I was a bit apprehensive at first, like most people I hate visiting the dentist, but i found all stay on reception and throughout the entire practice were so professional. Painless, sure was just a pleasure be treated with so much care. I will be returning. Thank you from Australia.
I was very satisfied with the service offered by Renea organizing my appointment
Great service, great dental work with reasonable price.
Excellent service and treatment.
Absolutely brilliant, dentist explained everything, that he was doing. First class
Great service, don’t have to worry about anything, they provide remindes to the motel of appointments. The procedure was very good with no pain.
I had a root canal done and actually fell asleep whilst it was being done,no pain whatsoever I went back two days later to have a crown done and an old filling replaced again no pain the staff are professional and the doctors are brilliant. I do not have a dentist in the uk because they are too expensive the work I had done would have cost three times more in the uk than it did at Dental Cross, you only have to walk in to book an appointment and all the staff speak very good English. I am very happy
Treatment was excellent and reasonable price. Thank you and i shall return next year.
Thank you so much for your great service. Staff and doctor were excellent, I will be back!
Very professional! Very good communication & great result. I would highly recommend.
The removal of my wisdom tooth went perfectly! Great pre and post-surgery information.
My fiance got her veneers done here and are fault less and said I have to get my teeth checked at Dental Cross they are gentle.. to no surprise I needed clean and 13 big fillings the girls were great 3 sittings and it was all done teeth feel amazing no pain at all if you are not good with dentists it’s a must you come here i had 5 injections didn’t even feel them I’ll be back annually to get my teeth check here.
Thank you so much, good service and excellent dental care!
Service was outstanding and good value for money.
full set of dentures.. for less than the price of two implants in Australia. Quality service and excellent work.
I have never, in over 70 years, had such great care from any dentist. Thank you
Very good experienced a great service great treatment. All staff and doctor they were very very good. High standard dental clinic in Thailand is here. Thank you very much
Excellent job on my 13 crowns and partial denture, the nicest people they even sung happy birthday to me surprised me with a small cake too, thoughtful with the towels over completely professional and very gentle thank you Dental Cross.
My partner Ben went for major dental, 9 root canals, 24 crowns, bridge, cleaning and more and he couldnt be happier with the service and quality workmanship. Would recommend to anyone looking to get dental work done. Have already recommended to friends family at home. I also had cleaning and zoom whitening and happy with results
I love my new all on four. It has completely changed my smile. I would do it all over again. Totally worth it!
Treatment was excellent price very reasonable. I was treated like royality which many can’t buy. Thank you and i shall return next year.
Perfect service and great experience. My first time for dental in Belgrade and Dental Cross makes me feel like I am at home. Thanks!
Very good service, clinic was very clean and staff was friendly.
Thank you my appointment went very well. Ive been before and saw the same dentist. I had examination scaling, ex-rays very happy. I chose to have a filling done. Will definitely recommend and I will be back. Thank you.Such lovely staff. Always very friendly.
Professional are excellent and all the staff ate so kind. Thanks
Staff, Amenities Amazing to exceed an expection. Overall is very excellent.
Very happy with the result. Looking forward to next time.
Wonderful dental procedure. I will highly recommend to friends and family.
Excellent service and a super professional approach. This was our third visit to Dental Cross in four years and we feel very confident in saying it’s the best dental experience we’ve ever had. Well done everyone!
Although I am petrified of visiting the dentist, my anxiety was allayed by both the dentist, the dental assistants and reception staff. I was very happy with the service and am so happy that I no longer have a black tooth
Amazing Staff, extremely professional and knowledgable. May have, but usually no problem with paitence from both parties, a language barrier, but like i said a little paitence from everyone that barrier is knocked down. The Dentist, what can we day, wow what a Lady so amazing, super qualified and is made for what she does, actually all the dentists, techs and surgeons are exceptional.
Spent a few days here at Dental Cross and i would come back in a heart beat! They have restored my smile, my confidence but most of all no more fear of the dentist! Theyre beautiful people, great clean facilities and i would never go anywhere else!
The dentists and nurses are such lovely people and they did an amazing job! I was quite nervous about getting dental work done in Thailand but could not afford it at home. The prices were great and the service wonderful. I had two crowns, two veneers, 3 fillings and whitening done plus a two week holiday all for less than getting the work done back home. I highly recommend them.
Great staff and much more gentle than NZ dentists. Do try to make a booking first they are very busy and I can see why.
My experience in August 2018 was amazing. I had extensive work done in Belgrade by Dental Cross. I am extremely pleased with the experience, the results and the clinic itself. The staff are amazing, extremely caring and thoughtful. I have no hesitation in recommending the clinic and the experience.
Fantastic service and friendly staff
Well worth the trip to spend a week & get my dentalk work done. Thankyou
Amazing service and very accommodating excited to go back for my veneers Wednesday!
Great service with professional dentists . always happy and listen to your suggestions. the whole process explained in common easy terms… nurses and admin staff are great and happy to have a joke with you… you dont get the rude look or comments like you would in australia no matter how bad your teeth are.. we have been here before and will be coming back again. all the best regards peter and Tracey from Perth Australia
Modern and clean facilities. Staff and Doctor are very professional, highly recommend.
I fully recommend Dental Cross and Dr Conte.
Dental Cross has worked hard to make us the patients feel safe. Great work.
Dental Cross has a great team. Hugs for everyone.
Amazing work and great price. Recommend to all.
I really appreciate that everything’s in house. Very good use of space in clinic. Two dumb up.
I was really impressed with the level of knowledge and technology that this team has.
I was treated amazing. This clinic will make you feel safe.
I love my smile, I was treated with respect.
I was treated like family, I cannot stop smiling.
5 star will always go back to Dental Cross with all my dental needs
I love the way that I was treated.
I have the most beautiful smile thanks to Dental Cross.
I felt safe everything was very clean they.
Best wishes to my favorite clinic.
I wish the best of luck to this awesome clinic, Bojan and Renea the owners are very nice people.
Very happy with a new smile and plus all the money saved. Best clinic.
My teeth look amazing and I save so much money.
I followed the indications and I could not be happier, Dental Cross did what was best.
I love my teeth love my smile love all the savings.
I could eat food that I have had to mush forever.
The location and service is the best.
My mouth feels wonderful, I can eat again.
The Clinic is very equipped with new technology and the knowledge this team has is the best.
Working with Dental Cross was a pleasure!
Very clean and very professional, customer service is amazing.
I don’t remember the last time I smiled this much.
Very happy with results.
True professionals and caring people. This clinic is on top for a reason.
Perfect combination of ethical work and great price.